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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
SachinPrakash reported 2013-09-30T23:14:20Z  · NielsGron last modified 2014-08-22T16:36:57Z

Sync Java API

Jenny Nishimura
Tariq Rahiman
Priority Major
Complexity Unknown
Component App - FluidShell - Command
Version 13.0

Use case: user wants to sync all their registered servers in ADStudio to ADServer. User also wants to be able to schedule this task on a recurring basis. After a sync, the set of registered servers in ADStudio should exactly match the set of registered servers in ADServer.

To accomplish the sync:

  1. Delete all existing registered servers in ADServer
  2. Create new registered servers in ADServer that match the ones in ADStudio

User will invoke sync via command line:

java -Djsse.enableCBCProtection=false -Xmx756M -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -cp $CLASSES com.aquafold.sdk.adserver.DeployProject <--deploy_url deploy url> <--username username> <--password password> <--includeAquaScripts: [0|1]> <--includeServers: [0|1]> <--includeUserFiles: [0|1]> <--project_path: fully qualified path to ADStudio Project Folder> <--deploy_or_sync: [deploy|sync]>
Implementation Details 

Take a look at DeployProject.java. It already has a main method but needs to be modified to accept the above parameters

DeployProjectDialog.java uses DeployProject to do the actual deployment. DeployProjecgtDialog is invoked when user right clicks inside project and chooses 'Deploy' option

The 'sync' functionality of first deleting all existing registered servers in ADServer does not currently exist. It needs to be added as part of this enhancement

Issue #10272

Resolved 2013-10-11T16:54:26Z
No due date
Fixed Build ADS 13.0.4-4, ADServer 13.0.8
No time estimate

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