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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
rkshakya reported 2013-10-08T11:03:17Z  · last modified 2013-10-15T06:00:11Z

mongoSQL INTERSECT operation returns redundant values

Priority Low
Complexity Unknown
Component MongoSQL
Version 14.0

ADS : 14-rc-42
Platform : Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit
MongoDB : 2.4.4

With reference to the attached 'tde.json' dataset imported into 'tde' collection, when we try to run following query:

select stats from tde
select name.last from tde

ADS returns multiple occurrences of same values viz (null) and Cat in this particular case. (Pls refer to attached mongoSQL_intersect.png).

Could you please check if it's intended behavior?

N.B.:  INTERSECT operation in postgresql and sqlserver removes redundant occurrences of the same values and returns just a single instance.

3 attachments

Issue #10361

Resolved 2013-10-08T18:21:57Z
No due date
Fixed Build ADS 14.0.0-2 (mongo-jdbc 1.3.8)
No time estimate

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