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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
tariqrahiman reported 2013-11-22T20:26:39Z  · last modified 2014-06-27T01:59:24Z

Exclude the MSmerge* objects in Schema Comparison for Merge Replication(SQL Server 2005 and above)

customer request
Priority Minor
Complexity Unknown
Component Tools - Compare - Schema
Version 15.0

Exclude the MSmerge* objects in Schema Comparison for Merge Replication(SQL Server 2005 and above)

System that uses Merge replication in SQL server (2008 R2) 

2 databases to perform a Schema Compare have merge replication enabled.  The issue is that SQL server creates a very large number of database objects (tables, procedures, triggers, etc.) related to the merge replication configuration.  These objects are unique to each instance and when running a schema comparison it would be great if I could exclude them completely. I understand I can go through and uncheck each object to exclude it prior to running the compare, however this is very time consuming due to the number of objects.

-- Notes --

Looks like SQL Server 2000 and below doesn't have a way to see if an object is replicated, but SQL Server 2005 and above does.  See the links below.  I believe that the replication status of the Triggers and Indexes are bound to the Table they are associated with.  But the Procedures need to have a status.  We can probably filter for the replication objects by status and move the replicated objects to either the System Tables are just not show them at all.

sys.tables : is_replicated, has_replication_filter & is_merge_published

sys.views : is_replicated & has_replication_filter

sys.procedures : is_execution_replicated, is_repl_serializable_only & skips_repl_constraints

sys.triggers : is_not_for_replication

Issue #10890

Resolved 2014-05-23T22:21:51Z
No due date
No fixed build
No time estimate

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