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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
swissarmyknife(*) reported 2013-12-05T17:48:44Z  · last modified 2013-12-10T00:58:37Z

fluidshell sqlexport of sourced file beginning with // generates syntax error

customer request
Jenny Nishimura
QA swissarmyknife(*)
Priority Low
Complexity Unknown
Component App - FluidShell
Version 14.0

occurs in 15.0.0-dev-47 and 14.0.5

in Fluid mode

1. have a .sql file that begins with a commented line like the following

//first line comment
select * from likes

2. use the source command to get this file into the SQL Buffer.

sqlexport -f excel -o C:/12052013export3.xls

3. The sqlexport command will generate a syntax error.

4. However if source is used on the same file followed by "go" no syntax error is generated.

see attached screenshot



2 attachments

Issue #10971

Resolved 2013-12-05T19:41:03Z
No due date
Fixed Build ADS 14.0.5-7
No time estimate

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