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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
tariqrahiman reported 2014-03-25T19:50:42Z  · last modified 2014-04-03T23:56:25Z

Use database does not change the database context in the dropdown for Cloudera

Priority Major
Complexity Unknown
Component Hive
Version 14.0
Version: 14.0.10-2
Build #: 36815
Build Date: 2014-Mar-20 04:49:36 PM

Use database does not change the database context in the dropdown for Cloudera

To reproduce:

1. Create a new Cloudera Server and Connect using Cloudera by copying the cloudera jdbc drivers from the original distribution

2. Open a query window to a database. For e. tom 

3. Type the command use tariq and execute

4. You can see that the command is executed successfully, but the database context in the drop down does not change

1 attachment

Issue #11855

Resolved 2014-03-27T17:09:28Z
No due date
Fixed Build ADS 14.0.10-4
No time estimate

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