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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
tariqrahiman reported 2014-04-03T23:39:05Z  · last modified 2014-05-06T19:13:53Z

?auth=noSasl gets saved in User Parameter instead of Connection URL

Priority Low
Complexity Unknown
Component App - Server Registration
Version 14.0
Version: 14.0.10-8
Build #: 37067
Build Date: 2014-Apr-03 02:24:58 PM
1. Create a connection to Cloudera with "No Authentication". Go to Drivers tab, you can see that ;auth=noSasl is in the Connection URL which is correct.
2. Save and reopen it
3. Go to Drivers Tab - you can see that now ?auth=noSasl is in the Users Parameters: as well in addition to the Connection URL
Not sure if this should be there.
4. Now make a clone of this Server
5. Change the Authentication Type to : Kerberos
6. Enter an invalid principal but with the correct Host name for e.g
7. Test and Save the connection. You can see that it pings correctly and I can save and connect with Kerberos.
So when you make a clone, and change authentication type from No Auth to Kerberos, since ?auth=noSasl is in the User Parameter it takes that parameter and connects. (because of item#3)
2 attachments

Issue #11877

Resolved 2014-04-30T19:49:55Z
No due date
Fixed Build ADS 15.0.0-dev-260
No time estimate

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