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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
tariqrahiman reported 2014-04-04T00:44:52Z  · narendravatsaraj(*) last modified 2014-04-18T08:52:02Z

Netezza: Generate Script is not taking into account the Schema Name

Priority Major
Complexity Unknown
Component Tools - ER Modeler
Version 14.0
Version: 14.0.10-9
Build #: 37074
Build Date: 2014-Apr-03 04:08:58 PM
Netezza: Generate Script is not taking into account the Schema Name
1. Open attached ER Model
2. Go to Tools- > Generate Script
3. Select a SCHEMA for e.g TARIQ
4. Select option Qualify Objects and hit Next to complete
You can see that the script generated doesn't have the SCHEMA qualified.
3 attachments

Issue #11878

Resolved 2014-04-06T23:29:46Z
No due date
Fixed Build 14.0.10-12
No time estimate

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