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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
soerenG reported 2014-06-13T07:17:27Z  · NielsGron last modified 2014-06-29T18:17:33Z

"Double" datatype in MySQL created with precision attributes erroneously

customer request
Priority Low
Complexity Easy
Component Tools - ER Modeler
Version 14.0

Version is 14.0.1 (this is a company side installation, I am not able to use another version)


I am currently using the ER modeller to model a database for MySQL 5.1. I was rather surprised that the datatype "double" seems to screwed up in the modeller as it always gets created with a precision like "double(10,5)". But I want to use double without precision, otherwise the type of my choice would be "numeric".

Screenshot p1 shows a field "foobar", simply modelled as type "double" without additional attributes. The SQL however looks like this:

CREATE TABLE `eom_adjustment_exch_proxy`  (
    `id`           bigint(15) AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,
    `book`         varchar(50) NOT NULL,
    `bbg_code`     varchar(50) NOT NULL,
    `pnl_pre_tol`  decimal(15,5) NOT NULL,
    `pnl_post_tol` decimal(15,5) NOT NULL,
    `term`         date NULL,
    `vega`         decimal(15,5) NOT NULL,
    `source`       varchar(25) NOT NULL,
    `foobar`       double(10,0) NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(`id`)
COMMENT = 'Contains ATM portion of IPV adjustments for for most recent '


I fiddled around with attributes  but was not able to create a simple "double" type without any precision. It sounds so basic to use double so I am wondering if this is really a bug or if I am too stupid to find the correct switch in ER modeller <g>?


Soeren Gerlach

4 attachments

Issue #12278

Resolved 2014-06-13T21:03:19Z
No due date
Fixed Build 14.0.15-10
No time estimate

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