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SachinPrakash reported 2014-09-15T18:17:54Z  · tariqrahiman last modified 2014-09-16T21:36:06Z

Not all Key Mappings work in Java 1.7 in Mac OS X

customer request
Kin-Hong Wong
Tariq Rahiman
Priority Major
Complexity Unknown
Component App - Key Bindings
Version 15.0


I'm using OSX (10.9.4) and in previous releases I've been able to move to the beginning of the text (top of the document) by using "CMD+Up Arrow", and move to the end of the text by using "CMD+Down Arrow".  Pretty standard key strokes.

However, in v15 this doesn't appear to work anymore.  CMD+Left and CMD+Right work, moving the cursor to the beginning and end of the current line.  CMD+Home and CMD+End work as I would expect CMD+Up and CMD+Down to, but its not as fluid a keystroke.

I tried adding a key mapping for Text Begin and Text End, however it doesn't seem to recognize the up and down arrows.  Pressing CMD+Up puts the CMD icon in the edit box but then moves the cursor to the beginning of the line rather then putting an up arrow icon.

I've also since noticed that SHIFT+CMD+Right and SHIFT+CMD+Left also no longer work for selecting to the end and beginning of the current line.  (SHIFT+END and SHIFT+HOME do work)


Issue #12491

Resolved 2014-09-16T15:34:35Z
No due date
Fixed Build 15.0.3
No time estimate

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