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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
swissarmyknife(*) reported 2014-11-10T17:20:29Z  · last modified 2014-11-19T00:06:13Z

password save unchecked - Query Analyzer Shortcut - don't force two Authentications following incorrect password use

customer request
Jenny Nishimura
Tariq Rahiman
Priority Low
Complexity Unknown
Component App - Shortcut Toolbar
Version 15.0

1) Uncheck save password in server registration for a server, connect to it successfully.
2) While connected to the server, drag a table node to Shortcut Toolbar and disconnect all connections to this server.
3) Launch a Query Analyzer by using the favorite
4) Enter an incorrect password in the floating Authentication dialog.
5) The prompt reappears as a Authentication dialog.
6) The Schema Browser expands only to show unsuccessful login
7) Enter a correct password.
8) The first correct password expands schema browser
9) The query analyzer tab now contains another Authentication Form embedded in it 
10) Enter second correct password (inside the Query Analyzer tab). This finally opens the query analyzer tab.
The improvement is to not force a second Authentication for the Query Analyzer tab at step #9.
If you enter a correct password at step #4, we trigger both the Schema Browser expansion AND the Query Analyzer.
1 attachment

Issue #12684

Resolved 2014-11-14T23:27:35Z
No due date
Fixed Build ADS 15.0.11-1, ADS 16.0.0-dev-37
No time estimate

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