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IDE for Relational Databases
tomconrad reported 2015-01-22T23:38:36Z  · tariqrahiman last modified 2015-02-04T20:41:18Z

Hive - For Kerberos, Server Properties Window and Connection should handle/translate Principal to properties

Priority Minor
Complexity Unknown
Component Hive
Version 16.0

Cloudera Simba drivers handle Kerberos parameters/properties different from the normal Apache drivers. Here is the URL difference.

Impala with Simba - > jdbc:impala://localhost:21050;AuthMech=1;KrbRealm=EXAMPLE.COM;Krb HostFQDN=impala.example.com;KrbServiceName=impala 
Notice that the Simba driver URL uses properties passed to the URL. These can either come from the Driver->Parameters field or from a translation of the General->Principal field into properties. The Apache driver URL expects just the General->Principal information without translation. Additionally, we have to do checking to make sure that the properties are not set in both places - General->Principal and Driver->Parameters and throw error messages when both are empty or both have Kerberos values when saving the Server Properties window. We need to also do this checking when making a connection since the connection file might be old and has not been edited with the new checks. 


Issue #13057

Resolved 2015-01-22T23:51:06Z
No due date
Fixed Build ADS 16.0.0-alpha-9
No time estimate

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