Aqua Data Studio 16.0.0-beta-39
Build #: 42698
Built on: 2015-Mar-04 06:28:30 PM
OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Linux (3.13.0-32-generic, amd64) / UTF-8 / en / IN / Oracle Corporation 1.7.0_60-b19
Memory: Max=4,432,855,040; Total=1,147,142,144; Free=958,708,184; CPUs=8
Database: MongoDB 3.0.0
MongoDB 2.6-8
Issue: bulk.getOperations() command doesn't show result in ADS MongoShell
Usecase: bulk.getOperations command is used to see the order of the operations.
Steps to reproduce the issue:
1. In ADS, Right click on MongoDB server, select Mongoshell.
2. In Mongoshell, run below queries.
use local;
3. To see how the operations are grouped for a bulk operation execution, call bulk.getOperations() after the execution.
4. bulk.getOperations() command displays error message as below in ADS MongoShell
> bulk.getOperations() org.mozilla.javascript.NativeArray@36d415b4
142 KB
134 KB
This issue is no more present in ADS v16 official releases.
Works fine in our ADS v16.0.0 release. See the attached screenshot. The issue was logged in an earlier beta build
Works fine in our ADS v16.0.0 release. See the attached screenshot. The issue was logged in an earlier beta build
Issue #13120 |
Closed |
Fixed |
Resolved |
Completion |
No due date |
Fixed Build ADS-16.0.1 |
No time estimate |
This issue is no more present in ADS v16 official releases.