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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
JennyNishimura reported 2016-01-21T23:22:22Z  · abhishekj(*) last modified 2017-01-30T11:28:25Z

Schema change does not take effect after Reconnect

Jenny Nishimura
QA abhishekj(*)
Priority Low
Complexity Unknown
Component Q Analyzer
Version 17.0

1. Launch Query Analyzer using an Oracle server connection.
2. Note that the current schema is SYS.
3. Do Reconnect first. (This step is necessary to reproduce the issue.)
4-a. Now switch to a different schema, e.g. CHINOOK.
4-b. Run a query for a table in the CHINOOK schema, e.g. select * from ARTIST
4-c. An error message is returned, complaining that the table does not exist, even though the table exists in the CHINOOK schema.
4-d. Notice that the schema drop-down switches to SYS.
5-a. Now switch to the CHINOOK schema again.
5-b. Run this query select SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_SCHEMA') sid from dual (which retrieves the current schema context)
5-c. Notice that the schema drop-down switches to SYS and the query result also confirms that the current schema context is SYS.

This issue is reproducible starting in v14. I haven't tried v13 or any prior version.

3 attachments

Issue #14225

Resolved 2016-01-22T22:41:17Z
No due date
Fixed Build ADS 17.0.10-11, 18.0.0-dev-35
No time estimate

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