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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
ivangron reported 2017-01-05T17:35:10Z  · last modified 2017-01-26T16:13:21Z

Cassandra-> extraction of table columns missing columns and static info

customer request
Priority Major
Complexity Unknown
Component DB - Cassandra
Version 17.0

  Customer has reported that creating a table with static columns causes our extraction to function incorrectly.  below are 2 create table examples which will create tables with the same amount of columns except that the first table has 2 static columns.  If you run these scripts our extraction does not show the correct columns nor does it script the table correctly for the table with static columns.

create table test1.teammember_by_team1 (
    teamname text,
    manager text static,
    location text static,
    membername text,
    nationality text,
    position text,
    PRIMARY KEY ((teamname), membername))
create table test1.teammember_by_team2 (
    teamname text,
    manager text,
    location text,
    membername text,
    nationality text,
    position text,
    PRIMARY KEY (teamname, membername))

Issue #14907

Resolved 2017-01-05T19:53:10Z
No due date
No fixed build
No time estimate

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