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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
Ron.Stewart reported 2012-01-17T14:37:06Z  · last modified 2012-01-18T14:36:34Z

"Check syntax" when creating a trigger should not actually create the trigger

Priority Low
Complexity Unknown
Component App - General
Version 10.0

Using ADS against a SQL Server database, using the "Check Syntax" button when creating a trigger for a table should not actually create the trigger. If the syntax check is successful, and the user then attempts to save the new trigger, they get an error indicating that an object with the trigger's name already exists on the database. At that point, their only choice is to cancel the creation and go alter the trigger that was apparently created by the "Check Syntax" operation. This may be an issue with other "Check Syntax" operations on other "create" capabilities (e.g., views, stored procedures).

Related to this, canceling the creation of a trigger after checking the syntax of the trigger creation SQL should not leave the trigger in place. (It currently does.)

Issue #6322

Resolved 2012-01-17T18:44:20Z
No due date
Fixed Build 10.0.5_01
No time estimate

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