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funfun reported 2012-09-29T00:52:35Z  · aquaclusters.josekibold last modified 2012-10-04T18:35:00Z

Test cases where auto-completion failed

Priority Minor
Complexity Unknown
Component App - FluidShell
Version 12.0

Ran into some auto-completion related problems while testing issue #7406.

To reproduce, follow steps below: (where ^ means pressing Tab key, * means cursor location)
(1)  prompt$  cd to-a-test-directory
(2)  prompt$  mkdir new-tmp-dir  
(3)  prompt$  cd !$
###  now you should be in new-tmp-dir directory
(4)  prompt$  echo test > tmp.txt
(5)  prompt$  cat t^
     prompt$  catmp.txt       ## <<<< expanded to catmp.txt, should be 'cat tmp.txt'
(6)  prompt$  cat ^
     prompt$  cat tmp.txt*    ## <=== expanded correctly; however, cursor (*) is not positioned as bash does; bash adds a space after a file expansion (if not a directory)
     prompt$  cat tmp.txt *   ## <--- this is how bash behaves, bash adds a space between tmp.txt and *
(7)  prompt$  cat tmp.txt ^   ## continue pressing Tab key at the end, note that a space is added after tmp.txt, before Tab is pressed
     prompt$  cat tmp.txt*    ## <<<< expansion is not performed, and cursor is moved back by one column
     prompt$  cat tmp.txt tmp.txt   ## <-- this is the expected result

There are 2 places that fluid auto-completion failed, (5) and (7), indicated by <<<<.
There is 1 place that fluid auto-completion does not behave as bash, (6), indicated by <===.

Issue #7678

Resolved 2012-10-03T17:08:20Z
No due date
Fixed Build 12.0.0-rc-22
No time estimate

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