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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
tariqrahiman reported 2012-12-14T23:13:56Z  · last modified 2012-12-18T20:23:33Z

ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS=OFF and ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS=OFF should not be the default for a new SQL Server ER Model Constraint

Priority Low
Complexity Unknown
Component Tools - ER Modeler
Version 12.0

Version: 12.0.9-3
Build #: 30310
Build Date: 2012-Nov-24 10:50:49 AM

ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS=OFF and ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS=OFF should not be the default for a new SQL Server ER Model Constraint

1. Open attached ER Model

2. Expand the table node , so that you see the node constraints

3. Right Click on Constraints tree node and create a new Primary Key constraint.

4. You can see that the contraint is created with (ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = OFF, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF) which is incorrect.  These should follow the same rules as the ADS Visual GUI's.

If you use ADS GUI to create a constraint you can look at the Preview SQL to see the DDL and you will see that the allow_row_locks and allow_page_locks clause are not included, and thus delegating the default to SQL Server.

5. Fix for  New Unique Constraint as well.

3 attachments

Issue #8079

Resolved 2012-12-17T18:36:48Z
No due date
Fixed Build 12.0.13-1
No time estimate

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