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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
JennyNishimura reported 2013-01-16T23:00:04Z  · rkshakya last modified 2013-07-16T06:18:41Z

Auto complete enhancements for MongoDB support

Kin-Hong Wong
Sachin Prakash
Priority Minor
Complexity Unknown
Component MongoSQL
Version 14.0

We are introducing SQL commands to support MongoDB.  Auto Complete needs to be enhanced to handle new SQL syntax.

1. DELETE [ALL|ONE] FROM collection_name [WHERE condition]
   When typing "DELETE ONE FROM", auto complete brings up a list of collection names (which is correct).  Choose a collection and then type "WHERE".  Auto complete still brings up a list of collection names; it should be a list of field names for the collection.
   "DELETE FROM" works, but not "DELETE ONE FROM" or "DELETE ALL FROM".  See attached screenshots "DELETE.png" and "DELETE ONE.png".

2. UPDATE [ALL|ONE] collection_name SET field_name1=value1[, field_name2=value2 …] WHERE condition
   When typing "UPDATE ONE", auto complete doesn't bring up a list of collection names.  After typing in the collection name and then "WHERE", auto complete doesn't bring up a list of field names.

3. REPLACE INTO collection_name VALUE (json_document) WHERE condition
   After "WHERE", auto complete brings up a list of collection names; it should be a list of field names.

4. CREATE COLLECTION collection_name and DROP COLLECTION collection_name
   After typing "CREATE COLLECTION", auto complete brings up a list of collection names.  When typing "CREATE TABLE" for a MySQL connection, auto complete doesn't bring up a list of table names.
   After typing "DROP COLLECTION", auto complete brings up a list of collection names (which is good).  However, for a MySQL connection, "DROP TABLE" doesn't bring up a list of table names.  In this case, we may want to enhance DROP TABLE.

5. In MongoDB, you can have subfields.  For example, you have a field named "manager" with subfields "first" and "last".  The subfields are "manager.first" and "manager.last".  When entering a field name, auto complete brings up a list of field names:
   As you continue to type "manager", the list of fields stay, but as soon as you type ".", the list disappears.

2 attachments

Issue #8202

Resolved 2013-04-04T22:02:00Z
No due date
No fixed build
No time estimate

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