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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
SachinPrakash reported 2013-02-08T21:13:54Z  · last modified 2013-02-27T17:38:30Z

Query Builder - database context is not being set in certain situations

customer request
Jenny Nishimura
Priority Minor
Complexity Unknown
Component Query Builder
Version 12.0

1) Choose a MySQL connection and open the Query Builder for the first database in the database dropdown list and this database should not be the default database for the MySQL server.  For example, "ac10" is the first database in the database dropdown list and "mysql" is the default database.  I open the Query Builder for the "ac10" database.

2) Build any query and execute it -- it runs fine.

3) Save the query.

4) Re-open the query.  Note that "ac10" is specified in the database box.  However, when you execute the query, it complains that mysql.table doesn't exist.  The database context for "ac10" is not being set.

Issue #8319

Resolved 2013-02-08T22:45:03Z
No due date
Fixed Build 31282
No time estimate

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