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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
SachinPrakash reported 2013-03-01T22:48:15Z  · tariqrahiman last modified 2013-10-31T22:56:13Z

ER: Tools -> Generate HTML Reports. Include images as well

customer request
Kin-Hong Wong
Sachin Prakash
Priority Low
Complexity Unknown
Component Tools - ER Modeler
Version 14.0

When exporting ER model to HTML, generate images and include links to them in the HTML files.

In order to navigate between sheets and tables, we have introduced  following enhancements:
1.  Overview page now contains the number of Sheets.
2. Each sheet has a sheet html page with the image, imagemap and a count of tables, views, relationships, constraints etc.
You can place them below the model.
3.  Table html pages list the sheet they are found in, with a link back to that sheet's page. Look at the html page  view_..Table_1.html as an example. When you click on a table, you need a link which displays which sheet they are in. This way when the user wants to go back to the Sheet and pick another table, he just needs to select the sheet link.
4. Sheets are included in the alphabetical index name-0.html.....name-n.html with a link back to the sheet.
2 attachments

Issue #8419

Resolved 2013-10-29T16:15:55Z
No due date
Fixed Build ADS 14.0.3-7
No time estimate

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