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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
SachinPrakash reported 2013-03-14T16:14:57Z  · swissarmyknife(*) last modified 2013-03-15T16:29:20Z

When changing DB state to online/offline in SQL Server, error message generated

customer request
Ivan Gron
Priority Low
Complexity Unknown
Component DBA-T - SQL Server - Storage Mngr
Version 13.0
  1. In SQL Server, launch storage manager.
  2. For any database, change the state to offline/online by using the 'Set Online' option
  3. When you click 'ok' on the dialog asking you to confirm changing the state to online/offline, an error message will be generated. However, the operation itself does succeed

The reason is most likely that SQL Server is returning an informational 'warning' message but the GUI does not have a messages tab to display the message.

Issue #8476

Resolved 2013-03-15T00:28:35Z
No due date
Fixed Build 31621
No time estimate

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