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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
braddegenaars reported 2013-04-18T01:05:53Z  · SachinPrakash last modified 2013-04-30T18:23:23Z

Identity Row Shift

customer request
Kin-Hong Wong
Tariq Rahiman
Priority Minor
Complexity Unknown
Component Tools - Import Tool
Version 13.0

On several occasions I've found myself wishing this feature existed but never got around to requesting it.  When importing data from a flat file (CSV in my case) into a database table I have had several occasions where the database table has an identity column (SQL Server) but the flat file does not.  When the second import screen pops up you can alter the position where each of the flat file fields get imported into.  So, in my case, I just shift each one by 1.  In other words, the first field which shows Position 1, I remove that position and then start with Position 1 from the second field.  The import works flawlessly doing this but it is a hassle when you have a large number of columns and have to change the numbering on each one by one.  I would love to see a feature to "renumber" or "shift" the fields in bulk.  I envision this as either a right click function when clicking on the position cell or the position header but leave the design up to you :)

If there is already a way to do this that I'm not aware of, please advise.

2 attachments

Issue #8692

Resolved 2013-04-23T21:42:20Z
No due date
No fixed build
No time estimate

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