Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Server (Public) / nhilam |
Aqua Data Server provides administrators the ability to customize the password rules that the system enforces when a user is establishing or changing his password. Any changes to password policies take effect immediately but are not retroactive. e.g. If a user has his password set to "abc" and then an administrator changes the "Minimum Password Length" to be 4, the user can still login with his old password of "abc" and is not forced to change it. Only when the user decides to change his password, will the system enforce the new "Minimum Password Length" policy.
After making password policy changes, if you want to force all users to change their passwords so that they conform to the new policy, you can use the Reset Password functionality to reset all user passwords en masse. This will force users to change their password upon next login.
Either none, or require a mix of numbers and letters.
The minimum number of characters that must be entered for a user's password.
Length of time before passwords must be changed. Once the time duration has passed, the next login will require the user to specify a new password.
Upon user initiated or admin initiated password reset, a confirmation code is sent to the user. This field specifies when the confirmation code expires. Once expired, the current confirmation code is no longer valid.
If enabled, determines the number of unique new passwords that must be associated with the user prior to reusing an old password. After changing this the rule is applied only after the user changes a password.
If enabled, a "Forgot your Password?" link is shown on the login page and allows users to reset their own passwords without contacting the system administrator. The user will be sent an email to the email address specified in the system. The email will contain a password reset code, and upon using this reset code, the user will be required to enter a new password.
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