Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Server (Public) / nhilam |
As an administrator with the "Manage Users & Roles" system permission you can centrally perform all user management tasks from the Admin -> Users and Role -> System Users tab. On this page:
Click the "New User" button in the action bar. Refer to System User Fields for further information.
Click the "Multiple New Users" button in the action bar. This page is provided as a convenience to allow for quickly adding multiple users.
You might wish to remove users from the system that no longer have a need to use Aqua Data Server. We strongly advise that you do not delete users. Instead, inactivate a user by choosing Edit User and turning off the "Active" flag. By inactivating a user you prevent the user from logging into and gaining access to the system. The advantage is that the historical data associated with that user will still maintained. If you still choose to delete a user, the system will first check to see if the user currently owns any projects. If they do, the ownerships for those projects must be transferred to someone else. Once this is complete, Aqua Data Server will allow you to proceed with deleting the user. As part of deleting a user, the system will re-assign any records that are owned by the user being deleted to the current project's owner. This is required in order to maintain the integrity of the created, updated and owner fields.
At times it becomes necessary to reset a user's password because either the user has forgotten it or the user's password has been compromised. By choosing the reset password action, the system will immediately change the existing user's password to one that is randomly generated, hence disabling access with the current password. The randomly generated password is not made known to anyone. The user is then sent an email with a link to specify a new password. The link can only be used once and can also expire based upon your System Settings. If you would like to force all users to change their passwords immediately, you may select all of them from the System Users tab and then initiate the Reset Passwords action. Each user will get a separate email with a unique link to establish a new password.
Click "Yes" to confirm the reset passwords operation.
The user list can be exported as an XML, CSV or Excel file by clicking the Export to Button. If you have a search criteria specified, the list of exported users will be restricted to this search criteria.
As the usage of Aqua Data Server increases and more users are created, you might want to quickly find a particular user. The search textbox is designed to address this use case. After typing in your search text in the action bar and pressing enter, Aqua Data Server performs a case insensitive, OR search across the user name, email address, first name and last name fields and returns all matching records. For example, lets say you were searching for the text "hon". Aqua Data Server would perform the following search: user.name like %hon% OR user.first_name like %hon% OR user.last_name like %hon% OR user.email like %hon% ==> this would return names like "Anthony" and "Jonathon".
To get back the complete list of system users, remove the search text and press enter.
Click the "Edit" button next to the user's record that you would like to modify. Refer to System User Fields for further information.
The "Change Password" button can be accessed from the action bar in the User Detail Page. In a production system we recommend not explicitly changing a user's password. Instead, choose the reset password option which will send an email notification to the user with a link to change their password. The change password feature establishes a one-time password. After the user logs in with this newly established password the user will be required to change it.
Clicking on a user name will navigate you to the User Detail Page which displays detailed information about the user, all system roles the user is associated with and the user's login history.
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