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Aqua Data Server (Public) / nhilam |
Upgrading to Aqua Data Server 19.5 on Windows
Upgrading to Aqua Data Server 19.5 on Linux
Upgrading to Aqua Data Server 19.5 on Mac OS
Based on how you have started the application as a service or from command-line, use the following options to stop the application server.
If you are running Aqua Data Server v19.0 as a Windows service, stop it by going to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services right clicking on the Aqua Data Server v19.0 service and selecting stop.
To stop the application server launched from command line instead of a service, type in the following commands
cd <INSTALLATION_HOME>\tomcat\bin <press enter>
shutdown.bat <press enter>
It is highly recommended you backup your database repository before updating to the latest build or upgrading to a new version. For details on how to do this, see the Backup and Restore Procedure page
Download the latest version of Aqua Data Server for Windows from http://www.aquafold.com/aquadataserver_downloads.html. After the Aqua Data Server 19.0 service completely stops, launch the Aqua Data Server 19.5 installer.
Choose your installation language and continue by clicking Next. You will be presented with the "Select Destination Directory" which will indicate "Aqua Data Server 19.5" in its path name by default. Your original Aqua Data Server v19.0 application installation directory will not be affected when installing the new version. Click Next.
If you choose to "Install Aqua Data Server as a Windows Service" check the checkbox and enter the password for the Windows OS User aquadataserver. This user was created in Step 1 when Aqua Data Server v19.0 was installed. Click Next after entering and confirming the password for the aquadataserver OS user.
In the "Database Repository Options," make sure the checkbox is unchecked so that your aquadataserver.properties file is not changed (this means the existing database from Aqua Data Server v19.0 will be used for Aqua Data Server v19.5). Click Next.
The installation will proceed and finish successfully. Click the Finish button.
Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, find the Aqua Data Server v19.5 service and start it. (NOTE: The original Aqua Data Server v19.0 service will still appear in the list, make sure you start only Aqua Data Server v19.5)
To start the application from command line instead of a service, open a command prompt and type in the following commands.
cd <INSTALLATION_HOME>\tomcat\bin <press enter>
startup.bat <press enter>
Note: It is mandatory to change directory to <INSTALLATION_HOME>\tomcat\bin before starting or stopping the application. If you wish to run from any other directory you will have to edit <install_dir>\tomcat\bin\setenv.bat and modfiy the following environment variables,
You should now be able to log in to Aqua Data Server v19.5 by visiting the URL you used for Version 19.0. You can verify you are using v19.5 by looking at the bottom of any page in the footer for "Version - 19.5.0".
Upgrading to Aqua Data Server 19 on Linux
Upgrading from 19.0 to 19.5:
To stop the v19.0 application server launched as a service, type in the following command
sudo /etc/init.d/aquadataserver stop <press enter>
To stop the v19.0 application server launched from command line instead of a service, type in the following commands
cd <INSTALLATION_HOME>/tomcat/bin <press enter>
./shutdown.sh <press enter>
It is highly recommended you backup your database repository before updating to the latest build or upgrading to a new version. For details on how to do this, see the Backup and Restore Procedure page
Just as we did when installing Aqua Data Server 19.0, we will create a new OS user. For Aqua Data Server 19.5, we will create a user named "aquadataserver195" that will have the same OS permissions that the aquadatserver19 user has.
Before installing, it is important to create the Operating System user with the appropriate permissions for installing Aqua Data Server v19.5 and starting the application. All of the install operations will fall underneath this user. Below are the terminal commands necessary for creating the aquadataserver195 user. The terminal commands provided in this section are based off Ubuntu 10.04. You might have to modify the terminal commands based off your flavor and version of the Linux OS.
sudo useradd -d /home/aquadataserver19 -m aquadataserver195 <press enter>
sudo passwd aquadataserver195 <press enter>
(type password for aquadataserver195) <press enter>
The next step is meant to make sure the aquadatserver195 user has administrative rights. Without these rights it will be difficult to run the aquadataserver195 application. Below, we are adding aquadataserver195 to the preexisting admin group which exists by default in Ubuntu. It's important to have the rights when adding aquadataserver195 as a service to run at system startup. A nonadministrative user would not be able to install the application as a service.
sudo usermod -G admin aquadataserver195 <press enter>
Note: The above command is for Ubuntu. If you are using Debian, you will need to edit /etc/sudoers file and provide the aquadataserver195 user administrative rights by means of sudo.
Below, we are making sure the aquadataserver195 user is using bash so that the aquadataserver19 scripts run correctly.
sudo usermod -s /bin/bash aquadataserver195 <press enter>
Once this user is created, the installation within this user's home directory can proceed.
Login to the operating system as the user aquadataserver195. The installation must also be performed under the aquadataserver195 user.
Make sure you are logged into the Operating System as the user aquadataserver195. This user has all of the appropriate administrative and operating system rights to successfully install and start the application.
Download your version of linux (32bit or 64bit) aquadataserver tar.gz file from http://www.aquafold.com/aquadataserver_downloads.html and extract it to your aquadataserver195 user's home directory.
tar -xvzf aquadataserver-linux-64bit-19.5.0.tar.gz <press enter>
Create a .aquadataserver folder under the aquadataserver195 user and copy the aquadataserver.properties file from the extracted download into it. The .aquadataserver folder will contain important information for activation and configuration of aquadataserver, as well as information pointing to the MySQL installation that will be used for its repository. Below are the terminal commands for creating the .aquadataserver directory and copying the aquadataserver.properties file from the extracted tar.gz download.
mkdir /home/aquadataserver195/.aquadataserver <press enter>
Once the .aquadataserver directory has been created, copy the aquadataserver.properties file into it. This file is used for configuring Aqua Data Server in step 5 "Configuring the Repository".
cp /home/aquadataserver195/aquadataserver/examples/aquadataserver.properties /home/aquadataserver19/.aquadataserver <press enter>
Rename the aquadaserver bash file to aquadataserver195. This step is important because Aqua Data Server v 19.5 has been installed as aquadataserver and you do not want there to be any confusion as to which application will be launched.
Note: Because you have already installed Aqua Data Server v19.0 It is recommended to follow the conventions for aquadataserver19 user name, installation directory etc. as mentioned in the above steps. Adjust following the environment variables accordingly, to ensure Version 19.5 of the application is run.
To make sure Aqua Data Server 19.5 automatically starts every time the operating system is rebooted, copy the aquadataserver195 bash file to /etc/init.d/
sudo cp /home/aquadataserver195/aquadataserver/aquadataserver195 /etc/init.d/ <press enter>
Once the above steps have been completed, make sure the aquadataserver195 user is the owner of all its folders and files with the command below.
sudo chown -R aquadataserver195 ~/aquadataserver195 <press enter>
To configure the Aqua Data Server application to automatically run at system startup, enter the following command:
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/aquadataserver195 /etc/rc2.d/S95aquadataserver195 <press enter>
You will then need to indicate the database repository location by editing the aquadataserver.properties file as explained in the Database Repository Configuration section.
Once the new database repository information has been set in the aquadataserver.properties file, continue with "5. Start the Aqua Data Server v19.5 Instance or Service".
There are two ways to start the application Server, either as a service or from command-line.
If you have performed all of the steps above, the application should start by restarting the computer or by manually starting the application by typing the following command
sudo /etc/init.d/aquadataserver195 start <press enter>
To start the application from command line instead of a service, type in the following commands
cd <INSTALLATION_HOME>/tomcat/bin <press enter>
./startup.sh <press enter>
Note: Your working directory should be <INSTALLATION_HOME>/tomcat/bin, prior to invoking startup.sh. If you want to invoke the script from a different working directory, then first modify setenv.sh and explicitly set the below environment variables.
You should now be able to log in to Aqua Data Server v19.5 by visiting the URL you used for Version 19.0. Any of your v19.0 user credentials should work. You can verify you are using v19.5 by looking at the bottom of any page in the footer for "Version - 19.5.0".
Upgrading from 19.0 to 19.5:
Login as the aquadataserver OS user (or the user you installed Aqua Data Server v19.0 as). Based on how you have started the application as a service or from command-line, use the following options to stop the application server. The command-line steps require use of terminal.app located in the Applications->Utilities directory.
To stop the application server launched as a service, type in the following command
/Users/aquadataserver/aquadataserver/tomcat/bin/./tomcat6-osx-10-6.sh stop <press enter>
To stop the application server launched from command line instead of a service, type in the following commands
cd <INSTALLATION_HOME>/tomcat/bin <press enter>
./shutdown-osx.sh <press enter>
It is highly recommended you backup your database repository before updating to the latest build or upgrading to a new version. For details on how to do this, see the Backup and Restore Procedure page
Before installing Aqua Data Server, it is important to create the aquadataserver195 OS X user within the operating system. To do this, go to System Preferences->Accounts. Open Accounts Preferences. If some settings are dimmed, click the lock icon and type an administrator name and password. Click the Add (+) button, located below the list of accounts, to create a new account. For account type, make aquadataserver195 an administrator. Administrative rights are needed to set Aqua Data Server as a service which launches when the computer is restarted.
Login as the aquadataserver195 OS user. Download the aquadataserver tar.gz file for OS X to your 'aquadataserver195' user home directory (/Users/aquadataserver195/) from http://www.aquafold.com/aquadataserver_downloads.html and extract it. We will again be using terminal.app located in the Applications->Utilities directory to run the commands below.
tar -xvzf aquadataserver-osx-unix-19.5.0.tar.gz <press enter>
Create a .aquadataserver folder under the aquadataserver195 user and copy the aquadataserver.properties file from the extracted download into the folder. The .aquadataserver folder will contain important information for activation and configuration of aquadataserver, as well as information pointing to the MySQL installation that will be used for its repository. Below are the terminal commands for creating the .aquadataserver directory within Users/aquadataserver195 and copying the aquadataserver.properties file from the extracted tar.gz download into the directory.
cd ~<press enter>
mkdir .aquadataserver <press enter>
Once the .aquadataserver directory has been created, copy the aquadataserver.properties file into the directory. This file is used for configuring Aqua Data Server in the step called "Configuring the Software".
cp aquadataserver/examples/aquadataserver.properties .aquadataserver/ <press enter>
Next, modify the aquadataserver property file to use the proper password and database host ip address. This is done by editing the aquadataserver.properties file and ensuring the IP address of the database is entered along with its password. Although the password is entered in clear text at the moment, when the application launches, the password is encrypted so that it cannot be read. Below we are using the nano editor to modify the aquadataserver.properties file.
nano .aquadataserver/aquadataserver.properties <press enter>
edit the lines below to reflect the location of your MySQL installation.
database.host=<ipaddress of mysql database>
Rename the aquadataserver/org.apache.commons.jsvc-ads-10-6.plist to org.apache.commons.jsvc-ads2-10-6.plist and edit it so that it uses the correct working directory for the aquadataserver195 user
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
Aqua Data Server v19.5 has been installed in the aquadataserver195 user directory.
Add the aquadataserver/org.apache.commons.jsvc-ads2-10-6.plist file to /Library/LaunchDaemons/ so that it launches at system startup. After copying it there, make root the owner of this file:
sudo cp /Users/aquadataserver195/aquadataserver/org.apache.commons.jsvc-ads2-10-6.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/ <press enter>
sudo chown root /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.commons.jsvc-ads2-10-6.plist <press enter>
Edit the /Users/aquadataserver195/aquadataserver/tomcat/bin/tomcat6-osx-10-6.sh so that it incorporates the correct paths for the aquadataserver195 OS user
Continue with "6. Start the Aqua Data Server v19.5 Instance or Service".
There are two ways to start the application Server, either as a service or from command-line.
If you have performed all of the steps above, the application should start by restarting the computer or by manually starting the application as shown below.
Manually start the Application Server by using the terminal application.
/Users/aquadataserver195/aquadataserver/tomcat/bin/./tomcat6-osx-10-6.sh start <press enter>
Note: It is always recommended to follow the conventions for aquadataserver user name, installation directory etc. as mentioned in the above steps. If you wish to deviate, you may have to edit <INSTALLATION_HOME>/tomcat/bin/tomcat6-osx-10-6.sh and adjust environment variables accordingly.
To start the application from command line instead of a service, open a terminal application and type in the following commands,
cd <INSTALLATION_HOME>/tomcat/bin <press enter>
./startup-osx.sh <press enter>
Note: Your working directory should be <INSTALLATION_HOME>/tomcat/bin, prior to invoking startup-osx.sh. If you want to invoke the script from a different working directory, then first modify catalina-osx.sh and explicitly set the value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH = <INSTALLATION_HOME>
You should now be able to log in to Aqua Data Server v19.5 by visiting the URL you used for Version 19.0. Your v19.0 user credentials should work. You can verify you are using v19.5 by looking at the bottom of any page in the footer for "Version - 19.5.0".
About AquaClusters Privacy Policy Support Version - 19.0.2-4 AquaFold, Inc Copyright © 2007-2017