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Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Platform Support |
Support |
Enhancements |
Enhancements |
Aqua Data Studio 11.0 offers support for ParAccel Analytic Platform 3.1 and 3.5, the widely used Big Data and Data Warehousing RDBMS popular with major financial institutions and technology companies.
Aqua Data Studio 11.0 now supports SQL Server 2012 including all of the latest GUI enhancements in addition to SQL Tools available to Aqua Data Studio's already extensive list of Microsoft SQL Server versions.
Most relational database vendors have features to capture the SQL queries executed on the Server, but reading the logs is quite difficult as there is no GUI available. Aqua Data Studio 11.0 introduces a visual log GUI named SQL Log, to capture all SQL queries executed in Aqua Data Studio. The SQL Log also helps to isolate performance problems with applications - from the logs, you can find the queries or stored procedures that are having the most impact. After that, it is down to examining the execution plans and query statistics to identify queries that need tuning and indexes that need creating. For mission critical environments, you can capture and analyze all the queries Aqua Data Studio is really submitting, while it is extracting the required information from the system catalogs.
Within the Servers Browser, it's now possible to get details on the OS, hardware and hardware use and the system details of a registered SSH Terminal by expanding its SSH Server node.
New ER Modeler enhancements include: right-click context menus for inserting, deleting and duplicating table and view columns, "straighten" relationship lines, move table and view columns Up/Down, remembering table and view properties and many more.
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