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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
ivangron reported 2016-03-22T17:21:01Z  · tariqrahiman last modified 2016-03-30T17:34:10Z

SAP HANA -> import into binary datatype incorrectly creating insert

customer request
Priority Low
Complexity Unknown
Component DB - Sap Hana
Version 17.0

 When importing data into a binary datatype field we where scripting 0x<data>.  For SAP Hana this should be inserted in as a string '<data>'


When I use the import data functionality and try to import varbinary data e.g. 0017A44BD41D1EE0AEB6B84DB6A82BE6 out of a text file, ADS converts this value into 0x0017A44BD41D1EE0AEB6B84DB6A82BE6. Why ?

The import statement fails with

inconsistent datatype: INT type is incompatible with VARBINARY type

The table field is type


8 attachments

Issue #14343

Resolved 2016-03-22T23:11:59Z
No due date
Fixed Build v17.0.3-15
No time estimate

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