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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
tomconrad reported 2016-05-12T17:56:25Z  · tariqrahiman last modified 2016-10-27T18:38:14Z

Explain - For Postgres and Greenplum, add a configurable parameter to turn on/off analyze when explaining a query.

Priority Major
Complexity Moderate
Component Q Analyzer - Visual Explain Plan - PostgreSQL
Version 18.0
The analyze option for Postgres and Greenplum causes the statement, that is being explained, to be actually executed, not only planned. This
can cause changes to the database that the user is not expecting. For example, a user would get an insert statement executed two times when
doing the explain. 
The solution is to have an ADS option for both Postgres and Greenplum databases to turn analyze on and off. The default will be off. This
way, the user can manually turn on analyze with expected results. 
Two options will be added - See screenshot for location.
   File->Options->Visual Explain->Greenplum Visual Explain 
   File->Options->Visual Explain->Postgres Visual Explain 
Inside of each of the above will be a checkbox option to turn analyze on or off. 
3 attachments

Issue #14431

Resolved 2016-10-27T18:08:35Z
No due date
Fixed Build ADS 17.0.4-7 and ADS 18.0.0-devi-141
No time estimate

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