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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
SachinPrakash reported 2017-04-26T04:21:24Z  · tariqrahiman last modified 2017-04-27T19:47:27Z

Display Both Execution Time & Fetch time in Grid Results Tab

customer request
Kin-Hong Wong
Sachin Prakash
Priority Minor
Complexity Unknown
Component Q Analyzer
Version 18.0

In Query Analyzer w/ Text Results, we display the Execution Time & the Fetch Time as shown in QAnalyzer.png. In Grid Results, we don't display the Execution Time. For this issue, lets add Execution Time in the Grid Results. Replace the existing [Fetch Data: 15ms] with [Exec: 210ms / Fetch: 15ms]. This means that if a single statement produces multiple query results, all the query results associated w/ a single statement will show the same Exec time.

In QAnalyzer.png, the expected results is that 4 grid results will be displayed. The first 2 grid results will have an Exec time of 31ms. The next 2 grid results will have an Exec time of 13ms.

From a code perspective, look at AFScriptContext line #2415: qResult.execTime = endTime - beginTime;

I believe this is the calculation being used to display the Exec time in Text Results.


2 attachments

Issue #15192

Resolved 2017-04-27T04:38:41Z
No due date
Fixed Build 18.0.9-8, 19.0.0-dev-31
No time estimate

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