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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
samjacinto reported 2018-04-27T21:13:41Z  · Lwaugh last modified 2019-05-24T13:53:15Z

Add ability to use sqlhost and not host:port in connecting to Informix

customer request
Priority Major
Complexity Unknown
Component DB - Informix
Version Future

Case# 00629001

Customer would like a code change to allow them to do this.

"I modified driver parms to expand the SQLH_FILE: 


See attached sqlhosts file. 

When both connection managers are running, we can connect just fine. When CM1 is downed by Ash, I am unable to connect. See aqua.png for the latest "connection URL:" which I think is the jdbc connection string. 

I suspect the "Informix-sql://usmbdevcm01.skechers.com" is what is causing the problem. I don't know how to modify the server properties to NOT include that or even if removing that will solve the problem. 

Their assumption is correct. If you have a host and port in the url, that
takes precedence over sqlhosts. We will have to make a code change to
allow for sqlhost and not host:port in the url.
btw: Who is the customer?

That said, they can use the Generic JDBC connection to prove that the
sqlhost file is working. See attached screenshot. Using Generic JDBC will
allow them to
add whatever url that they want. They will also need to change the driver
location path relative to their datastudio directory. So something like
C:\ ..\datastudio\lib\drivers\ifxjdbc.jar.
The driver will be com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver. Also add in the userid and

3 attachments

Issue #15561

No due date
No fixed build
No time estimate

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