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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
nhilam reported 2018-11-26T19:50:37Z  · last modified 2020-09-01T23:38:11Z

Dashboard Action Enhancements

customer request
Priority Low
Complexity Unknown
Component Visual Analytics
Version Future

1. Currently I can configure one Dashboard Action per Dashboard. I want to be able to configure multiple Dashboard Actions per Dashboard so that I can implement a second level drill-down. For example, I want to click on a model name from a model list to drill down to the list of clients in that model. Then I want to click on a client name from the client list to drill down to the list of servers.

2. I want to be able to configure drill down on only the clicked attribute and ignore all other attributes in the chart. For example, when I click on a client name, I want to drill down based only on the clicked client name, ignoring the model name, server name, and all other attributes that are on the same row.

3. I want a new type of Dashboard Action that can apply the selected value to a parameter which will re-execute the parameterized query to refresh my datasource. Will need to investigate to see if this can be applied to a different datasource other than the datasource whose worksheet is being clicked on that triggered the Dashboard action. For example, a list of states is presented in worksheet1 in the Dashboard. When I click on a particular state, it will update the parameter in another worksheet, causing the parameterized query in that worksheet to re-execute, retrieving the data for the selected state. This is desirable because the dataset containing the data for all states is too big to fit into the available memory.

Issue #15647

No due date
No fixed build
No time estimate

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