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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
alonsomendez reported 2019-01-14T15:05:11Z  · AmarAccolite last modified 2019-12-17T08:24:53Z

Add support for PostgreSQL 11.0

M1_V20.5 V20.5
Priority Major
Complexity Unknown
Component DB - PostgreSQL
Version 20.5
Add  the new JDBC driver 42.2.5 to build library - Test compile, resolve issues.
  • Copy the postgres.jar driver to the build-lib directory(...\ADS\dist\apps\common\build-lib) from the Google drive.
  • Copy the postgres.jar driver to the lib directory(...\ADS\dist\apps\common\lib\drivers) from the Google drive.
  • Test compile, unit test and resolve issues.
  • Check the driver into svn. Make sure the commit message contains the following: <aquadatastudio: 15675>Add Postgres driver 42.2.5 

Developers have been able to create user-defined functions in PostgreSQL for over 20 years, but prior to PostgreSQL 11, these functions were unable to manage their own transactions. PostgreSQL 11 adds SQL procedures that can perform full transaction management within the body of a function, enabling developers to create more advanced server-side applications, such as ones involving incremental bulk data loading.

SQL procedures can be created using the CREATE PROCEDURE command, executed using the CALL command, and are supported by the server-side procedural languages PL/pgSQL, PL/Perl, PL/Python, and PL/Tcl.
"Covering indexes," which allows a user to add additional columns to an index using the INCLUDE clause and are helpful for performing index-only scans, especially on data types that are not indexable by B-tree indexes.

16 attachments

Issue #15675

Resolved 2019-09-06T06:04:42Z
No due date
Fixed Build v20.5.0-no-ofsc-dev-33
No time estimate

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