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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
samjacinto reported 2019-09-30T16:38:47Z  · tomconrad last modified 2021-03-15T20:48:20Z

Case #00756988 - Enhance the autocompletion query for Azure and SQLServer

customer request Requires Documentation
Priority Major
Complexity Unknown
Component App - AquaProjects
Version 22.0

Reference Aquaclusters case #170

Enhance the autocompletion query for Azure and SQLServer to use the nolock cluase to avoid lock contention with other background queries. For example:

SELECT O.object_id, OWNER = S.name, O.name, O.type, O.create_date

FROM sys.all_objects O with(nolock)

LEFT JOIN sys.schemas S with(nolock)

ON O.schema_id = S.schema_id

WHERE (O.type = N'U' or O.type = N'S' OR O.type = N'V')


Customer's comments:

The next issue is when Aqua Aata completely hangs. Say I try to drop/create a new constraint, if this takes a while, in which the one I did this morning took an hour, Aqua Data is completely useless as I cannot open the object tree and auto complete does not work because system tables are locked.

I can see in the session browser that this SQL Below is being blocked by my drop constraint

SELECT O.object_id, OWNER = S.nameO.name, O.type, O.create_date
FROM sys.all_objects O
LEFT JOIN sys.schemas S
ON O.schema_id = S.schema_id
WHERE (O.type = N'U' or O.type = N'S' OR O.type = N'V')

Now is it possible that you guys could add nolocks for MSSQL and Azure? Because this SQL below returns fine when that drop constraint is happening

SELECT O.object_id, OWNER = S.nameO.name, O.type, O.create_date
FROM sys.all_objects O with(nolock)
LEFT JOIN sys.schemas S with(nolock)
ON O.schema_id = S.schema_id
WHERE (O.type = N'U' or O.type = N'S' OR O.type = N'V')


2 attachments

Issue #15737

Resolved 2021-03-15T20:48:20Z
No due date
No fixed build
No time estimate

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