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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
alonsomendez reported 2020-02-21T19:38:29Z  · tomconrad last modified 2020-02-21T20:10:42Z

Add an Insert Script Generator from Resultset

Priority Low
Complexity Unknown
Component Script Object
Version Future

Would like to add a feature similar to one in SSMS Tools Pack  that allows you to take the result set and generate a insert statement from it. I've used this in the past to take a result set and build out a query using it or temp table or table variable to join it to other queries. For instance I could generate the statements from 3 different servers, maybe a Development, integration, and production. Then take those resultsets from all 3 with an insert to my local sandbox and join them together. You can review the feature I am referring to from the following site.

Issue #15778

No due date
No fixed build
No time estimate

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