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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
samjacinto reported 2020-05-29T14:41:44Z  · tomconrad last modified 2020-05-29T14:45:03Z

Enable ADS support for .PKG installer on Mac OS, and support seamless site pre-population of the license key

customer request
Priority Major
Complexity Unknown
Component App - Installer
Version Future

I work on the engineering team and wanted to talk to someone from support. Currently we are packaging Aqua Data Studio (ADS) and deploying it to the people who request the application. I wanted to know if there's a way to package ADS with the license so that the user doesn't have to ask the product owner for those details. Even better, can we deploy a profile that will automatically activate it without having to repackage.

Second question, is there a site where I can download the .PKG installer instead of the DMG? If not, I must request that the team changes over to a PKG to comply with Apples new mandate with MDM pushes and notarization. Plus it makes it much easier for us as admins.

I should also state that I'm the Systems Admin for macOS and iOS. My questions are directed toward the macOS version of ADS and NOT the Windows version. We use Jamf as our MDM.  


Issue #15795

No due date
No fixed build
No time estimate

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