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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam

IDE for Relational Databases
swissarmyknife(*) reported 2013-04-02T22:19:15Z  · last modified 2013-04-03T19:54:32Z

OSX - mouse drag makes selection appear to occur in Text Results - focus is actually still Query Analyzer Edit area

customer request
Emilian Bold
Sachin Prakash
Priority Low
Complexity Unknown
Component Q Analyzer
Version 12.0


ADStudio 12.0.18 on at least OSX 10.8.1


1. enable Grid and Text results

2. open a query analyzer write a query that generates results

3. drag to select your query and press Command E to execute it.

4. using the mouse, drag across the text results but make sure your click and drag begins in the gap between the line numbers and the first character of the text results.

5. the text results will turn gray as if your focus is there, but if you look closely the cursor is still flashing in the edit area of the query analyzer.

6. press Command C

7. if you paste, what you will paste are the contents of the still highlighted Query Analyzer Editor content, NOT the text results that turned gray when you click and dragged across it.


see attached

2 attachments

Issue #8581

Resolved 2013-04-03T13:55:46Z
No due date
Fixed Build Vincaed
No time estimate

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