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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
For the Aqua Data Studio v16.0 release, we are dramatically enhancing Visual Analytics, giving you more charts, features, capabilities and options to produce the data visualizations you need. We've introduced a new chart type called Treemap. There are more options for Trend Lines. You can create Bins to group ranges of continuous measure values to create Histograms. Quickly copy spreadsheet content and paste it in as a datasource with Paste Data. An Undo/Redo framework is now available in Visual Analytics. You can pin Query Analyzer results so they do not get cleared after query reexecution. DB2 z/OS versions 9 and higher now allow displaying Visual Explain Plans. Our FluidShell can now share sessions with the Query Analyzer. We're including support for newer versions of databases we already supported: Sybase ASE, Sybase Anywhere, SQL Server, MongoDB, VoltDB, Greenplum, Vertica, Hortonworks, Cloudera, Teradata, Netezza, ParAccel, Informix, and Apache Derby.
More Choices for Trend Lines
Choose from several Trend Line types like Linear, Logarithmic, Exponential and Polynomial. You can now display Confidence Bands and see more information on how lines are calculated to get full line details.
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Domain Padding for Date Fields
In cases where dates are missing in your data, Trend Lines now fill in the gaps to make your visualizations more coherent.
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Pop-up Filters Dialog
With our improved Filters Deck, you now get a popup showing you filter options before your filter is created to make it easier to choose the filter you want.
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Parameter Enhancements
With our improved Parameter Control, you can now specify a list of values or a range of values to choose from.
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Parameterized Queries
Queries in Visual Analytics can now be parameterized, allowing you to set values as the queries are executed. If your query included a parameter, we automatically add it to the Parameters pane.
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Generate Bins
Create bins to group continuous measure values into meaningful groups, which is particularly useful in our new Histograms.
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Improved Excel Query Performance
Excel query results from large XLSX and XLS files are much faster. Queries that took nearly 40 seconds now complete in less than 15 seconds.
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Keep Previous Results Visible
You can now pin a query Grid Result so that it does not get cleared when a query is reexecuted. Each query analyzer window can have multiple pinned tabs.
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Generate a Treemap Chart
Treemaps allow you to represent specific values with colors, making many types of data easier to understand. They are useful for showing hierarchical data and represents it as nested rectangles.
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Chart Properties Enhancements
Our improved Chart Properties let you have even more control. Drag Dimensions into new positions for nesting in Tree Map charts.
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Increased Flexibility
Table Calculations can now be applied to any Dimension field in your chart.
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Use Table Calculation Types Rank and Percentile
See how a particular value ranks, or discover what percentile a dimension falls in to.
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Replace a Data Source
Now it is possible to change an existing valid Data Source to use a different connection than what it started with.
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Paste clipboard data as a Data Source
Quickly create a Data Source from your clipboard with Data > Paste Data to generate an Excel file of it and use it as a connection within Visual Analytics.
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Autocomplete Queries Within Visual Analytics Worksheets
The Edit Query dialog within Visual Analytics now supports Query Autocompletion, giving you the power of our Query Analyzer from within a Visual Analytics Worksheet.
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Find DB2 z/OS Query Bottlenecks
Our Visual Explain Plan capabilities are now available for DB2 z/OS versions 9 and above.
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Automatically Reconnect at Execution
There is a new option to automatically reconnect when you execute a query in a Query Window.
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Implement Aggregation Formulas in Calculated Fields
Calculated Fields now give you the ability to apply aggregation formulas like STDEV and VARP.
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Use More Calculated Field Functions
Calculated Fields now offer several more options for strings, dates, numbers, logical functions and table calculation functions.
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Use Table Calculation Functions
By adding INDEX, FIRST_P(), LAST_P() and LOOKUP Table Calculation Functions, we're giving you the more power to visualize what you need from your Table Calculations.
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See Better Visualization Suggestions
Multiple new formulas have been added to our Visualization list, expanding the possibilities of what your data can help you visualize.
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Undo Changes
Now it is possible to undo or redo changes within Visual Analytics.
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Save and Share as HTML
Now it is possible export the currently viewed pivot table as HTML, making it easy to share your work.
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Share Sessions from Query Analyzer to Fluidshell
Now it is possible for the FluidShell to share a session with a Query Analyzer Window.
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More DB Version Support
Connect to Sybase ASE 16.0, Sybase Anywhere 16.0, SQL Server 2014, MongoDB 3.0, VoltDB 4.9, Greenplum 4.3, Vertica 7.1, Hortonworks 2.2, Cloudera 5.2, Teradata 15, Netezza 7.1, ParAccel 5.1, Informix 12.10, and Apache Derby 10.11. MySQL 5.6 now has Fractional Second support.
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We're excited to announce that we have completely opened up our development process. All defects and enhancements, documentation, discussions and knowledge bases are publicly accessible by anyone. Take a look at all enhancements and bug fixes in this release on our dashboard.
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