Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
FIX: DB2 LUW : Schema Browser - Security : Added Role and Group members node under Role
FIX: nCluster : Schema Browser : List of schemas did not refresh if new schema created in query window
FIX: nCluster : Visually Create Table now allows CHAR and VARCHAR without length.
FIX: nCluster : Scripting CHAR didn't include length on nCluster 4.5.
FIX: Oracle : Explain Plan : Numeric nodes should have values right aligned.
FIX: nCluster : Added filter to nCluster schemas for "nc_temp%" so that temp schemas are not displayed
FIX: Sybase ASE : Explain Plan line feed for German warning messages.
FIX: Sybase ASE : UDDT DATETIME -> Export Tool
FIX: MySQL : Alter Table GUI would not generate a Identity column change to remove the Identity
FIX: Informix : VARCHAR(100,1) was using Precision/Scale and it should use Lenght/Scale
FIX: Informix : Schema Script Generator should always default schema to <All Schemas> : Just for Informix
FIX: Generic JDBC/ODBC : connections for non-English User Interfaces would not display tables
sometimes depending on database vendor and driver, becuase of non I18N of <DEFAULT>
FIX : Visual Editing when [';' Statement Separtor] is enable should use the setting, except
when it is a procedure/function/package
FIX: Query Window : Max results field gets focus briefly after opening, causing problems for fast typers
FIX: Oracle : Package Editor : Toggle comments didn't work correctly
FIX: SQL Server : Extracting constraints : Removed the permissions(objid) criteria on ms sql server queries. This was used when extracting constraints from tables and should not have been.
FIX: SQL Server : Scripting Index DDL : Fix for INCLUDE columns not been duplicated, and minor fix to fillfactor.
FIX: SQL Server : Scripting Table DDL : Added TEXTIMAGE_ON clause support
FIX: Sybase ASE : Export Tool : didn't apply quote identifiers to UDDT of Date/Strings
FIX: MySQL : Script DROP UNIQUE index syntax was incorrect
FIX: ER Diagram Generator : Database Object comments with illegal xml characters would create .xed that wouldn't open.
FIX: Sybase IQ : Added support for "IQ UNIQUE" clause in table DDL
FIX: Sybase IQ : DBSPACE extraction was using deprecated system catalog table
FIX: Oracle : Fix for DDL generation on table, CHAR used on columns of type varchar2, char, nchar, nvarchar2 datatypes
FIX: Informix : ER Model convertion on varchar(100,1) would convert to varchar(0)
FIX: Sybase Debugger : Second debug session would have connection disconnect.
FIX: Server Registration: choosing SQL Server Single Sign On and then Sybase, doesn't re-enable the username/password
FIX: Grid Results : Aggregate bar broken if SUM is not chosen
FEATURE : Debugger : Parameter dialog now has menus to set NULL or DEFAULT to all parameters or selected
UPDATE : Updated jConnect JDBC Driver
FIX : MS SQL Server : Debugger would not allow a Step Into a User Defined Function.
FEATURE : MS SQL Server : Script Login now scripts password encoded
FEATURE : MS SQL Server : Script Login now includes Script CREATE (Full) to include database users associated to Login
FEATURE : MS SQL Server : Script Job now inlcludes full Job information such as steps.
FEATURE : Sybase ASE : Script Login now includes Script CREATE (Full) to include database users associated to Login
CHANGE : Query Builder : Execute Edit now uses the Max Results from the Query Builder
FIX: Schema Tree : Drag & Drop table/columns to editor. Broken in build 8.0.17, now fixed.
FIX: SQL Server 2008 : Extract Index with WHERE clause was not supported.
FIX: SQL Server : View in Excel, doesn't show values for Bit columns
FEATURE: Memory Monitor Dialog which is accessible by single click on botton right memory status indicator.
PERFORMANCE: Informix storage information for Tables issues query that is now more optimized.
FIX: DB2 LUW 8.1 and below : Schema Browser, procedure list would show empty list because one missing column in query.
FIX: Server Registration : ODBC datasource browser now includes User DSN from Windows Registry
FIX: nCluster : Script table which inherits from other table will not script inherited columns for table.
FEATURE: Grid Results : Added "View in Browser" to menu item
FEATURE: SQL Debugger for Sybase ASE : added support for Sybase ASE 15.5
OPTION: Added option to datastudio.properties "editor.keybindings.completionShowAction" to allow to change keybinding for autocompletion
FIX: Sybase IQ : Time / Date columns would return "[Err]" because IQ doesn't return the column type name in the resultset for Time and Data columns.
FIX: DB2 LUW : Added extracting and scripting of pctfree # table information as ALTER TABLE
FIX: Sybase ASE : DDL Generation : Create table ddl where column has multi rows in catalog table but is not computed would make datatype length "null). Seems to happen on databases dumped in Sybase ASE 12.5 and imported to 15.0
FIX: DB2 iSeries : ER Modeler : Generate Script would always fully qualify Primary Key in DDL
FIX: ER Modeler : ER Modeler : Relationship route is not saved in some cases
FIX: Export Tool : Oracle 9i and above now supports "WITH CLAUSE" in the export data "SELECT" statement option
PERFORMANCE: Table Data Editor : Performance problem when setting NULL on large resultsets. Aggregate bar would calculate with every cell change.
OPTION: Sybase ASE : inverted default sybase quote_identifier option
FEATURE: Oracle : Package Editor : Added support for .pck / single file opening and saving.
FEATURE: Query Windows : When you reconnect, it now refreshes the list of databases and schemas
FEATURE: Schema Browser : tree will now show users that belong to a role under db2 9.5 and above.
FEATURE: Schema Compare : Schema compare now has option to include indexes/triggers on table comparisons.
FIX: Oracle : Added support for SYSASM role in Connect As
FIX: DB2 iSeries : ER Modeler Table editor didn't support extend column properties, including identity column info.
FIX: Sybase ASE : Object Search tool had a join condition missing in query for procedure body searches, which made search slow.
FIX: Sorting in Grids for String now uses Collator instead of Comparator
UPDATE: Installers now have Java 1.6.0_18 bundled, instead of Java 1.6.0_16. This is to resolve Windows 7 GUI issues.
FIX: Visual Editing was using option of [";" statement separator] which would cause procedure editing to fail.
FIX: Allow .variable TIME/TIMEZONE format to specify fractions with up to nanosecond precision
FIX: Quick Filter : Column filter popup would not scroll it the list was too big.
FEATURE: Sybase ASE -> Added support for Execute Callable Statements for procedure with EXECUTE BIND
OPTIMIZATION : Oracle : Extracting DBMSOUTPUT is now handled on server with annonymous PL/SQL block to increase extraction speed for large results.
FIX: ER Modeler print grid is wrong for scale other than 1:1
FIX: Schema Browser: Multiscript Indexes -- "null" is appended to name.
FIX: TeraData : Alter User would not put double quotes on password for changing password DDL
FIX: MS SQL Server : Alter SQL Server Agent->Job would not display correct Email Alter user.
FIX: PostgreSQL : Rules are now displayed under tables and views tabs in the schema tree.
FIX: Query Analzyer : Chart : Script Full to New Window didn't include the ShowMarkers option, now does.
FIX: Autocompletion sorting was using TERTIARY sorting. Causing _ to come before space.
FIX: Oracle : Query for columns of LOCAL TIMEZONE would return error for data.
FIX: Sybase ASE : Minor fix to extraction of database groups. If a database was dumped and restored, the query would not show all groups.
FIX: Sybase ASE : New jConnect driver no longer allows connection when password expired. Added change password functionality to
Server Registration dialog on button right to password field.
FIX: MySQL : Script Table CREATE (Full) would script Unique Indexes that were system generated to support Unique Constraints
FIX: (Sybase ASE 15) : View Database : Space Usage was merging Data and Unused together for Data size, and leaving Unused as zero.
FIX: (Informix 7.3) : Object search for procedure bodies would fail.
FIX: (MySQL) Table Data Editor didn't allow modification of TIMESTAMP column.
FIX: Query Analyzer Window : Incremental Find hot key didn't work.
FIX: (MySQL )Auto Describe not working
FIX: (SQL Server 2005+) Table Data Editor : Was unable to INSERT a XML value.
FIX: (Sybase ASE) : Script CREATE on tables with computed columns that are very long would create a
multi-line computed column and cause the column name to display as multiple columns of same name.
UPDATE: (Sybase ASE) Updated jconnect6.jar JDBC driver to latest EBF patch.
FIX: Schema compare for functions and procedures needs to be compared based on parameter prototypes list, only when the database supports
parameter overloading for the object of Function or Procedure. Otherwise procedures show up as different objects.
FIX: Query Window - with MultiTab/SplitPane results - Openning windows, the odd numbered window open would focus on incorrect tab.
FIX: PostgreSQL : Script Foreign Key constraint, under rare circumstances, order of columns for the foreign key constraint did not match.
FIX: Sybase ASE - Visual DROP of Login. If drop of login fails, ADS would report as successful. This is because of how Sybase ASE driver handles execution of stored procedures.
- FIX: Sybase ASE : Scripting constraint would include database everytime for referencing table. Now only when it is in another database.
- FIX: Informix : Added syntax coloring on keywords : RETURNING, ELIF, RESUME, DEBUG, FILE, REPLACE
- FIX: File->Options->Compare: compare option prompt label said "left", when it should have been "right"
- FIX: Oracle : Table CREATE Scripting now supports VARCHAR2(255 CHAR) format
- FIX: PostgreSQL 8.3 and above: Added UUID datatype support.
- FIX: DB2 Explain Plan : Column Names and Partition Columns values were displayed as Java Class names of the object.
- FIX: Schema Script Generator : Disable option "Generate full script for tables (indexes etc)" if user chooses Trigger or Indexes individually
- FEATURE: SQL Archive table now has sorting enabled.
- FEATURE: DB2 9.5 and above : Now has suppprt for Roles in Schema Browser, Scripting, Visual Editing, Server Script Generator, Object Permissions and Security Manager.
- FIX: Informix 7.3 - Schema browser - Procedures were not listed
- FIX: Oracle - TIMESTAMP TIMEZONE / LOCAL TIMEZONE columns are now retreived as strings so to include the timezone information
- FIX: Disabling Auto Popup for autocompletion did not work for Windows 32bit. (Worked for Windows 64bit, Linux and OSX).
- FIX: Oracle - query results with timestamp subtractions would result in [err] results for column data.
Oracle drivers return INTERVALDS datatype.
- FIX: SQL Archive : Delete Selected in SQL Archive would only delete one.
- FIX: SQL History : window opens outside of the visible screen area if previous instance saved it that way. (Dual monitor switching)
- FIX: Grid Results Charts - If a function series was added and a "Merge Series Axes" option was chosen,
then the chart would not refresh until the OK button was clicked.
- FIX: Sybase IQ/Anywhere : When grouping by schema in Sybase IQ & Anywhere, we show schemas to be Users & Groups now.
Reason: Groups can be an object owner.
- FIX: Sybase IQ/Anywhere : Database schema nodes didn't refresh if new schema created. Required disconnect/reconnect.
- FIX: Autocompletion now handles Sybase Index Hints
- FIX: TAB key does not move cursor to adjacent cell in the Table Data Editor
- FIX: Quick filter was filtering numberic values as formatter values "commas" (eg 1,200,345)
- FIX: Teradata connection type didn't allow for "Driver Params" in Server Registration->Advanced
becaused it used "?" instead of "/" and "," as parameter separators in driver URL.
- FIX: Sybase ASE : Database Device DDL scripting didn't include the dsync option.
- FIX: Sybase ASE 12.0 doesn't support @@unicharsize, so now using @@ncharsize
- FIX: SQL Server : Job History dialog would not display history because of GUI refresh issue.
- FIX: SQL Server : Minor GUI fixes in Restore Database dialog.
- FIX: Reexecution of query with multiple sorted Pivot Tables, would not persist sorting on pivot table.
- FEATURE: Server Registration : Oracle OCI, Sybase INI and ODBC browse dialog now have quick filter.
- FEATURE : ER Modeler : Find Dialog : Now includes indexes, columns, constraints and references.
- FEATURE : Procedure/Package Editor now use Tab Title Format just like Query Window.
- FEATURE : Added "Clear Document" action to Text Results and Message Results editor popup menu.
- LOCALIZATION : Completed localization of new prompts for Japanese (all 21 languages complete).
- FIX: Added File->Options->Registration Defaults for nCluster, DB2 z/OS and Teradata
- FIX: nCluster : Performance problem with nCluster indexes extraction.
- LOCALIZATION : Completed localization of new prompts to all languages except Japanese.
- FIX: Scripting DB2 LUW Create Table with Identity/seed/increment by no cache from ER Model would fail.
- FIX: nCluster : Fixed nCluster data types in ER modeler
- FIX: nCluster : Added Views selection option to Query Builder for nCluster
- FEATURE: ER Model : Copy will copy image to OS clipboard for pasting into Office and Email clients
- FIX: Update from JIDE library 2.7.2 to 2.8.0 to fix minor UI bugs.
- FIX: Oracle : Script Table Full with Default Parallel would not script NOPARALLEL clause.
- FIX: DB2 XML Datatypes values where not extracted as XML text, but as java class names.
- FIX: ER Modeler conversion : informix->mysql conversion sets auto_increment option
- FIX: ER Modeler -> Generate Script ... need to add option "Tables: Use conditional drop"
- FIX: Online Documentation was linking to ADS 7.5 ... now linking to 8.0
- FIX: Options dialog still defaults to 'General' regardless of last choice
- FIX: Results Compare: Dialog for choosing results, now focus traversal with tab, shift-tab
- FIX: Added support for Global Temporary tables in DDL Generation, Visual Editing and ER Modeler
- FIX: Teradata : Script comments for tables and columns
- FEATURE: Visual edit now supports create/alter database for Teradata.
- OPTIMIZATION: (ER Modeler) Now able to open large 2000+ tables and 2000+ relationship models.
- Also, added Window->Faster Rendering option. This renders dotted relationship lines as gray lines. (dotted are very slow because of Java 2D)
8.0.0-Beta1/Beta2 - See new features for 8.0 : http://www.aquafold.com/d80/docs/
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