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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
For our Aqua Data Studio 14.0 release, we've added native support for three NoSQL databases, MongoDB, Apache Hive and Apache Cassandra and for Microsoft's cloud-based database, SQL Database (Azure). We've also introduced MongoShell, a command line shell for MongoDB which places an interactive javascript mongo shell directly in Aqua Data Studio. Our Git support is vastly improved with the inclusion of a full Git Client that offers complete support for most Git operations in an easy-to-use UI. Additional enhancements include connection clustering, which allows you to use a single registered server to access multiple PostgreSQL (or Teradata Aster or Greenplum or Netezza or ParAccel) databases, dramatic performance improvements for Table Data Editor and Sybase import, support for Sybase IQ 16, Oracle 12c, Teradata Aster Database 5.1, Teradata Database 14.0, ParAccel 4.0, MySQL 5.6, SQLite 3.7.15 and Apache Derby 10.10.1 and much more.
Query NoSQL Data with SQL Syntax
Use our MongoSQL syntax to natively connect and execute SQL queries against MongoDB, one of the most widely adopted NoSQL database management systems. Learn more
Interactive JavaScript Shell
If you've become accustomed to the mongo shell provided by MongoDB, you'll feel right at home with Aqua Data Studio's MongoShell. MongoShell provides an interactive JavaScript shell with nearly identical syntax and functionality to the native mongo shell. Learn more
More Keybinding Control plus Emacs
With configurable editor keybindings, make Aqua Data Studio's editor keyboard shortcuts work exactly how you want. For you Emacs die-hards, we've also introduced a pre-configured Emacs key mappings. Learn more
Dramatic Speed Increases
Table Data Editor's performance has been dramatically improved for bulk operations on Big Data sets. Learn more
Script, Alter, View
MS SQL Server Extended Properties have their own tab in the Visual Editors. You can Script > CREATE (FULL) on Schema Browser objects to script Extended Properties. Learn more
Analyze Large Hive Datasets
Native support for Hive, the data warehousing system for Hadoop, means you can leverage the power of Aqua Data Studio's data analysis across all your Hadoop compatible file systems.
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Query Cloud-based Azure Data
Connect to Microsoft's relational database-as-a-service, SQL Database (Azure), just like you already do with MS SQL Server DBs. Learn more
Bulk Import Data
Use the Import Tool to Bulk Import data into your Sybase ASE or Sybase IQ databases with speed improvements of up to 112x. Learn more
More DB Version Support
Connect to Sybase IQ 16, Oracle 12c, Teradata Aster Database 5.1, Teradata Database 14.0, ParAccel 4.0, MySQL 5.6, SQLite 3.7.15 and Apache Derby 10.10.1. Learn more
Dive into Big Data
Native support for Cassandra, the open source distributed database management system from the Apache Foundation, brings Aqua Data Studio's full toolset to anyone working on Cassandra.
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Git Stash, Reset, Fetch, Merge & Push
We've completely revamped our Git tools and now have a full Git Client built from the ground up to give you all the functionality you'd expect from a stand-alone Git Client. Learn more
Switch Databases without Cloning Servers
Gone are the days of registering one server per database in PostgreSQL, Teradata Aster, Greenplum, Netezza, ParAccel and Azure. With Connection Clustering, you can switch databases from a single registered server. Learn more
Explain Plans for Sybase ASE & IQ
Use our new Visual Explain Plans for Sybase ASE and Sybase IQ to tune your queries and optimize performance. Our diagrams and Explain reports make finding and eliminating bottlenecks easy.
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We're excited to announce that we have completely opened up our development process. All defects and enhancements, documentation, discussions and knowledge bases are publicly accessible by anyone. Take a look at all enhancements and bug fixes in this release on our dashboard.
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