Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
We now allow you to use your MapR, Cloudera and Hortonworks jdbc drivers to access more Hive distribution specific features. Choose your distribution in the Server Properties dialog when registering a new Hive server.
Kerberos Authentication for your Hive distribution is now supported, allowing greater security when connecting and a Kerberos server handles your logins.
Choose between HiveServer1, HiveServer2 and Impala installations when you register your Hive connection. Even though HiveServer2 has been available for some time, we still let you connect to your older installations.
Teradata Aster Database 6.0 is now supported, giving you the same access to our SQL tools, Query Analyzer, Import and Export tools as we already provided for previous versions of Teradata Aster.
Vertica 7 is supported, allowing you to script Flextable objects from the Schema Browser like CREATE FLEX TABLE, Restore Flextable Default Keys Table and View, and Compute Flextable Keys. Explain Plans are supported and you can also view Fault Groups in the Management node.
Version 10.5 of DB2 is ready for use with all of the DB2 features already built into Aqua Data Studio, including the DBA Tools. We now also support scripting ORGANIZE BY COLUMN AND ROW, as well as CREATE INDEX with column direction RANDOM.
MongoDB 2.6 is ready for use with all of the MongoDB features already built into Aqua Data Studio, including the MongoShell and supported MongoSQL commands.
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