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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Aqua Data Studio's version 17.0 release adds native support for three very popular Big Data and cloud-based data products: SAP Hana, Google BigQuery, and Apache Spark. Business analysts will value the productivity enhancements offered by our enhanced Excel SQL capabilities, our new Excel import wizard and our new MongoDB UI for JavaScript. Database administrators will appreciate the expanded DBA tools coverage to manage more databases along with our expanded Explain Plan support to identify SQL query bottlenecks quickly.
Business intelligence users will appreciate the significant enhancements to our Visual Analytics capabilities. New features include nine additional charts, greatly enhanced statistical capabilities such as Reference Lines, Box plots, and R language integration and many usability enhancements including text and image support in dashboard, customizable color legend and navigation improvements.
Dive into SAP HANA
You can now connect to SAP HANA, an in-memory database and application platform to query and analyze your big data and gain valuable insights. Learn More
Query Spark Clusters
You can now connect to Apache Spark, the blazing fast in-memory large-scale data processing engine. Learn More
Run MongoDB JavaScript commands
Our new MongoJS Query Analyzer can execute MongoDB javascript commands and display the results in a tree hierarchy. MongoJS also supports autocompletion, syntax highlighting and pretty print JSON text results. Learn More
Explain Plans for 7 More Databases
You can now use Explain Plans in Text format for Amazon Redshift, Greenplum, ParAccel, Teradata Aster, Netezza, PostgreSQL and MySQL to help reduce SQL query bottlenecks. Learn More
Query & Analyze BigQuery Datasets
Connect to Google BigQuery, a cloud-based big data analytical web service, to explore your projects, run SQL queries and use the intuitive visual editors for all your BigQuery datasets. Learn More
DBA Tools for 11 More Databases
We now support DBA tools for Amazon RedShift, PostgreSQL, Greenplum, Teradata Aster, Netezza, ParAccel, Informix, Sybase Anywhere, Sybase IQ, Teradata, and Vertica. Learn More
We now support MS Excel WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, HAVING, and JOIN clauses that give you the ability to connect, query, and generate results from XLS and XLSX files. Learn More
Excel Import Wizard
Our new Excel Import tool imports data directly from single or multiple Excel sheets into existing or new database tables. Learn More
More DB Version Support
Connect to Cloudera 5.4, HortonWorks 2.3, MapR with Spark, IBM DB2 z/OS 11, PostgreSQL 9.4.1 and VoltDB 5.5.
Learn More
9 New Charts
We now offer nine new charts: Filled Map, Highlight Table, Heat map, Funnel, Gauge, Horizon, Mekko, Radar, and Sunburst so you can produce the data visualizations you need.
Reference Lines and Box plots
Reference lines, bands, distributions and box plots offer a powerful new way to highlight aspects of specific interest in a given data set. Learn More
R Integration with Visual Analytics
Our new R integration enables you to incorporate advanced statistical computing directly into Visual Analytics. Learn More
Text and Images in Dashboard
You can now add Text and Image objects in dashboards. These objects increase the visual appeal of your dashboards and enable you to share key analysis about your data. Learn More
Customizable Color Legend
Our new color legend provides sequential and diverging color themes, the freedom to divide colors into discrete steps and a customizable color gradient range. Learn More
Date and Time Hierarchy Navigation
Our new navigational enhancement significantly reduces the number of clicks to drill down into date and time fields. Learn More
We're excited to announce that we have completely opened up our development process. All defects and enhancements, documentation, discussions and knowledge bases are publicly accessible by anyone. Take a look at all enhancements and bug fixes in this release on our dashboard.
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