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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Horizon charts are well-suited for time series visualization and comparing trends in data that can help you to:
The horizon chart reduces the space in use by mirroring the negative and positive values on the same x-axis instead of showing the negative values beneath the x-axis. It differentiates between the negative and positive values by using hues of blue and red and band-level density. It represents the band-level density by using darker shades for large values and lighter shades for smaller values.
Download and connect to the sample data source. We are making this chart using 2 dimensions and 1 measure.
To build a Horizon Chart
The number of bands controls the number of times the chart is divided and layered on top of each other. This has the desired effect of reducing the amount of vertical space required to draw the chart. For every layer or band that is added, a different color intensity is used to distinguish each band. You can easily spot stocks with extreme values as they appear in darker shades.
To change the band option
When a measure is placed in the Color Deck, Visualization displays the Color Legend for that measure. The Color Legend show the band range for both negative and positive values. In the following example, the band is set to 3. Each band range is associated with a percentage and displays a difference from the previous stock closing. The measure placed in the Color Deck must also be used in the Rows Deck.
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