Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
MS SQL DBA Tools - Security Manager Provides manageability for logins, server roles, users, roles and profiles allowing a user to manage permissions, roles and security of the MS SQL database. |
Toolbar Operations - Depending on the Tab selected, there are different Toolbar Operations available.
Available operations for Logins & Server Roles tab
Available operations for Logins tab
Available operations for Server Roles tab
Available operations for Database Users & Roles tab
Available operations for Users tab
Available operations for Roles tab |
Logins & Server Roles Tab - Provides a tree display of logins and server roles the MS SQL database. Selecting an object in the tree structure displays a detailed view of the object on the right side pane. |
Logins Tab - Provides a list of logins in the MS SQL database |
Server Roles Tab - Provides a list of server roles in the MS SQL database |
Database Users & Roles Tab - Provides a tree display of users and roles (groups) in the MS SQL database. Selecting an object in the tree structure displays a detailed view of the object on the right side pane. |
Users Tab - Provides a list of users in the MS SQL database |
Roles Tab - Provides a list of roles in the MS SQL database Name: Name of the role (group) Type: Role type (application, standard) |
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