Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
The toolbar options provide quick access to create, modify, and save scripts in the Query Analyzer.
Toolbar Options | Keyboard Shortcut | Description |
CTRL + N (Windows & Linux)
Command + N (Mac)
Creates a new script file. |
CTRL + O (Windows & Linux)
Command + O (Mac)
Opens an existing script file. |
CTRL + S (Windows & Linux)
Command + S (Mac)
Saves changes to an existing file. |
CTRL + SHIFT + S (Windows & Linux)
Command + Shift + S (Mac)
Saves the script as a new file. |
CTRL + R (Windows & Linux)
Command + R (Mac)
Saves the query result to a file or sends the result to the clipboard in the specified data format. |
CTRL + P (Windows & Linux)
Command + P (Mac)
Opens the print dialog. |
NA | Enables or disables the Block Selection mode in the editor. |
CTRL + X (Windows & Linux)
Command + X (Mac)
Removes the selected script. |
CTRL + C (Windows & Linux)
Command + C (Mac)
Copies the selected script. |
CTRL + V (Windows & Linux)
Command + V (Mac)
Pastes the script on a script file. |
CTRL + Z (Windows & Linux)
Command + Z (Mac)
Undo the last action. |
CTRL + SHIFT + Z (Windows & Linux)
Command + Shift + Z (Mac)
Redo the last action. |
CTRL + F (Windows & Linux)
Command + F (Mac)
Finds text within the opened file. |
CTRL + H (Windows & Linux)
Command + Shift + H (Mac)
Finds and replaces text within the opened file. |
CTRL + L (Windows & Linux)
Command + L (Mac)
Changes the current word or selected text to lower case. |
CTRL + U (Windows & Linux)
Command + U (Mac)
Changes the current word or selected text to upper case |
CTRL + ALT + A (Windows & Linux)
Command + Option + A (Mac)
Parses the script and displays a list of the commands to be executed on the server. |
CTRL + E (Windows & Linux)
Command + E (Mac)
Executes the script in the query window. |
CTRL + ENTER (Windows & Linux)
Command + Enter (Mac)
Executes the current statement, defined by the cursor position. |
CTRL + ALT + ENTER (Windows & Linux)
Command + Option + Enter (Mac)
Executes the SELECT statement and opens the result in an editable window. |
CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER (Windows & Linux)
Command + Shift + Enter (Mac)
Displays Visual Explain Plan for the current statement. |
CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE (Windows & Linux)
Command + Option + Delete (Mac)
Cancels the currently executing statement or script. |
CTRL + SHIFT + A (Windows & Linux)
Command + Shift + A (Mac)
Determines whether commit is performed automatically after each statement is executed. |
CTRL + SHIFT + C (Windows & Linux)
Command + Shift + C (Mac)
Commits any active transactions. |
CTRL + SHIFT + R (Windows & Linux)
Command + Shift + R (Mac)
Rollbacks any active transactions. |
CTRL + SHIFT + INSERT (Windows & Linux)
CTRL + Option + Caps Lock + SHIFT (Mac)
Reconnects the current connection. |
NA | Disconnects the current connection for this Query Analyzer. |
NA | Opens a new Query Analyzer with the selected server connection. |
CTRL + SHIFT + U (Windows & Linux)
Command + Shift + U (Mac)
Enables or disables auto-completion. |
CTRL + SHIFT + O (Windows & Linux)
Command + Shift + O (Mac)
Displays tables/views for all schema objects, other than just the current schema. |
CTRL + SHIFT + E (Windows & Linux)
Command + Shift + E (Mac)
Clears the current autocompletion cache. |
NA | Enables or disables the parameterized scripts. |
NA | Sets a limit on the number of rows that Aqua Data Studio can retrieve after querying a table. |
NA | Selects the Database (and Schema) to be used. Displays User, Connection ID, AUDSID, and other details specific to the RDBMS vendor. |
See Also, Menus and Toolbars.
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