Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Error Conditions are indicated by the color red, either in text or as a background color. There are three reasons for error conditions in Visual Analytics.
Metadata Changes - If a Workbook is saved, the Dimensions and Measures it initially recognized may no longer be accurate for a Data Source. This can happen if a column name is added, dropped or altered in a Data Source or database table between refreshes within a workbook. When Visual Analytics notices that a Data Source is missing Dimensions or Measures it found in a Workbook, those fields are highlighted in decks with a red background, and red text in the Data Pane. Renaming the elements of Calculated Field, such as a Parameter, can cause also a Calculated Field to become invalid, which turns it red.
Connection to Data Source Failed - If the registered connection used by a Data Source has its name changed or cannot be found, the Workbook will not be able to connect and use it as a data source. An error dialog appears allowing you to browse your connections to find the missing connection [Locate Conn], or create a new connection [Create Conn] to use a new one instead. The Show Details button provides detailed error information which can be used for troubleshooting when contacting AquaFold support.
Data Extract Missing - If a Workbook or Packaged Workbook uses an Extract, and that Extract cannot be found by Visual Analytics, you will receive a dialog with Extract Properties prompting you to [Locate the extract] or [Remove the extract].
Orange does not indicate an Error Condition, it indicates there are actions that could be taken but are not required. Hovering the cursor over orange items produces a tooltip that offers suggestions on the actions which could be taken.
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