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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
A Dashboard is a special sheet that can contain any combination of worksheets from your workbook, along with text and image objects. Dashboards are used primarily to display the view area from worksheets, where worksheets are used for editing and creating views. Using the text object, you can add notes, pointers or detailed descriptions for a worksheet. By using the image object, you can insert images from your computer or any web page.
If you want to create a Dashboard, click the [Add Dashboard] icon at the bottom of Visual Analytics or use the [Dashboard > New Dashboard] menu from the menu bar. You can also left-click on any tab's menu triangle and choose [New Dashboard].
When a new Dashboard is created, it appears in a new tab at the bottom of the Visual Analytics window.
When Visual Analytics is launched, by default, the Dashboard title does not get displayed.
To show the Dashboard title
The title cannot be edited directly from the Dashboard view. To change the title, you can perform one of the following actions:
Right-click the Dashboard tab and choose Rename.
Double-click the Dashboard tab and then type the new name.
Once the Dashboard is created, you can drag in any number of your Worksheets from the Worksheet pane listing them on the left side. If there aren't any sheets already present in a Dashboard, what you drag and drop will fill the whole area. Each additional worksheet you drag in will automatically take up half of the worksheet area it is dragged over; either vertically or horizontally depending on which edge your cursor is closest to. If you drag over the left edge of an area, when you drop you will fill in the left half. If you drag over the right edge of an area, you will fill in the right half when you drop. An outline will let you know where the worksheet will be displayed.
When worksheets are added to a Dashboard, Visual Analytics, by default, displays the worksheet title. If you edit or reset the worksheet title from the Dashboard, Visual Analytics immediately applies this change to the corresponding worksheet and vice-se-versa. However, on hiding title from a worksheet itself, Visual Analytics does not hide the title from the corresponding worksheet on the Dashboard.
To hide the title from the Dashboard
Once multiple Worksheets have been placed in a Dashboard, you can grab the handle at the top of each Worksheet's title bar and drag to rearrange them.
The filters for each sheet can be controlled within any dashboard they appear in. This makes it easy to modify filters without having to move back and forth between the original sheet and the dashboard a sheet is shown in. Filter changes made in the dashboard propagate to their respective sheets and vice versa.
If [Delete] is grayed out when you right click on a Worksheet Tab, that means that Worksheet is in use within a Dashboard. You cannot delete a Worksheet while it is in use within a Dashboard. Once a Worksheet is no longer in use within any Dashboards, you can delete it.
The Text Object gives you the ability to add, customize, and display text on your dashboard. The Edit Text option lets you add, change the font, size, and visual effects of the text.
After adding text to the Dashboard, you can change the text alignment, apply background color and border shading to the Text Object by using Format Text Object. To use this option, right-click anywhere on the Text Object and then choose Format Text Object.
The Image Object provides an easy way of using images on your dashboard. You can quickly upload images from your computer or web.
The Change Image option replaces the existing image on your Dashboard. The Fit Image option automatically scales the image to the size of the Image Object. The Center Image option aligns the image to the center of the Image Object. The Insert link option lets you link your image to a URL or a file on your computer or to a worksheet or another dashboard of the workbook.
You can link your Text/Image Object to a URL or a file on your computer or to a worksheet or another dashboard of the workbook. To use this option, right-click anywhere on the Text/Image Object and then choose Insert link. After adding a hyperlink, you can also edit the links or remove the link by using the Edit Link and Unlink options respectively.
When you open .vizw or .vizx file to view images added from the web, ensure your system is connected to the internet.
When you open a .vizw file, images that were locally added from another machine are not loaded because Visual Analytics cannot find the path specified for that image on your machine. However, when you open a .vizx file, Visual Analytics displays images correctly as the images are stored in the .vizx file itself.
Clearing a dashboard removes everything on the current dashboard at once. Therefore, clear the dashboard only when you are sure of the clear action.
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