Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
The below document describes the connectivity errors that users might encounter while using R with Aqua Data Studio, the different solutions and various other errors scenarios.
If Visual Analytics is not able to connect to your Rserve instance, take a look at the below troubleshooting tips:
Error Message: An error occurred during connection to 6311. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
Things to check:
1. Check your firewall and see if port 6311 is allowed.
2. The most likely cause is that your Rserve instance is not allowing remote connections. If you are running Rserve and ADS on the same machine, you can specify localhost for the Host field. If you are running Rserve on a different machine than ADS, start Rserve with the remote option enabled as given below:
Rserve(args = "--vanilla --RS-enable-remote")
Scenario | ADS Message | Resolution |
1.In VA window,select "Window" menu and select option "Rserve Connection" . 2.In Rserve Connection dialog select ‘localhost’ and click on "Test Connection" and "Save" button. 3.In Measure Pane right click and select option "Create Calculated Field" 4.In Create calculated field editor,enter below script and click on "Save" button. SCRIPT_INT("Sort(.arg1)", SUM([Profit])) 5.DnD calculated field in Row deck. 6.DnD any one dimension field in Column deck. |
Error dialog window is displayed with the following error message: "Error encountered while evaluating the R expression: could not find function "Sort"
To view all commands and responses from Rserve, go to Window > Rserve Log menu and re-execute your action."
The issue occurs when R function name is not correct. Function names are case sensitive in R. In this case you would need to correct the script as below :- SCRIPT_INT("sort(.arg1)", SUM([Profit])) |
1.In VA window,select "Window" menu and select option "Rserve Connection" . 2.In Rserve Connection dialog select ‘localhost’ and click on "Test Connection" and "Save" button. 3.In Measure Pane right click and select option "Create Calculated Field" 4.In Create calculated field editor,enter below script and click on "Save" button. SCRIPT_INT("is.finite(.arg1)", SUM([Profit])) 5.DnD calculated field in Row deck. 6.DnD any one dimension field in Column deck. |
Error dialog window is displayed with the following error message: "SCRIPT_INT has returned an unexpected object type." |
Occurs when datatype returned by Rserve is not supported by Visual Analytics.As in this example Rserve returns logical datatype which is not supported by Visual Analytics. You would need to rewrite your R script. A sample script is given below : - SCRIPT_INT("as.integer(is.finite(.arg1))", SUM([Profit])) |
1.In VA window,select "Window" menu and select option "Rserve Connection" . 2.In Rserve Connection dialog select ‘localhost’ and click on "Test Connection" and "Save" button. 3.In Measure Pane right click and select option "Create Calculated Field" 4.In Create calculated field editor,enter below script and click on "Save" button. SCRIPT_INT("x=1:3",2) 5.DnD calculated field in Row deck. 6.DnD any one dimension field in Column deck. |
Error dialog window is displayed with the following error message: "SCRIPT_INT expects 4 values but 3 were returned." |
Occurs when vector length returned by R function is not equal to number of rows in Visual Analytics i.e expected values should match with number values returned by Rserve. You can correct the R script in the create calculated field dialog. (In this scenario number of rows in your script should match vector length returned by R function which is 4 in this case.)
SCRIPT_INT("x=1:4", 2)
1.In Measure Pane right click and select option "Create Calculated Field" 2.In Create calculated field editor,enter below script and click on "Save" button. SCRIPT_INT("sort(.arg1)", SUM([Profit])) 3.DnD calculated field in Row deck. 4.DnD any one dimension field in Column deck. 5.Go to File menu and select option Save. 6.Save file as .vizx file 7.Open saved .vizx file in VA where R server connection is not enabled. |
Calculated field is displayed as invalid field inside Measures pane. Below message, "This calculation field contains a disabled R script." message in shown when moving mouse over the invalid field. |
Occurs when Rserve connection is not enabled. In VA window, choose the " Window > Rserve connection .... " menu . In Rserve Connection dialog select ‘localhost’ or type valid ip address and click on "Test Connection" and "Save" button. |
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