Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Once one or more Data Sources are connected you can view their properties, rename them or close them.
Editing a Data Source's Connection
Replacing a Data Source's Connection
Data Source Properties
In the Data Pane you can right-click on it and select [Properties] to view its details.
Data Source Properties will display the following:
If you've executed a cross database query within the Query Analyzer, and used that Query Result to launch Visual Analytics, the Data Source properties will only display the Database of the Query Analyzer's Database dropdown from within the Query Analyzer toolbar. You can view the [Data Source Property's] Query to determine what databases were used in the query itself.
Renaming a Data Source
Once a Data Source has been added to the Data Pane you can rename it by:
Renaming a Data Source only changes its name in the Data Pane, it does not alter the underlying connection. It's easy to verify this by viewing [Data Source properties] and looking at the Connection value.
Editing a Data Source's Query
The process of Refreshing a Data Source does not update the query used to refresh data. To edit the query used in a Data Source, right click on the data source and select [Edit Query...]
A dialog appears that allows you to edit the query. The [Insert Parameter] button allows you to use a preexisting Parameter from your visualization, or create a new one.
Click [Preview Results] to see the data this query will generate.
Once you see the data you need, click [Save] so that this query is used any time your view is Refreshed.
A Max Results of -1 (or leaving this field blank), means there will be no limit to the number of rows returned by the query. Be aware that not placing a limit on Max Results for extremely large tables of several hundred thousand rows may slow down the speed with which Visual Analytics refreshes or displays your view.
Editing a Data Source's Connection
To edit an existing Data Source's Connection, right click on the Data Source and choose [Edit Connection...].
This launches the Server Properties for this connection, allowing you to enter a new password, change the server IP address and port, login credentials, or change other server related properties.
Editing a Connection does not alter the query in any way, and implies that all of the fields you have used in a worksheet for it would be expected to be found once new properties are entered.
Replacing a Data Source's Connection
To replace an existing Data Source's Connection, right click on the Data Source and choose [Replace Connection...].
This launches a dialog that allows choosing another connection. Once you pick the new connection the query which was run on your original Data Source is now executed on the new connection.
Replacing a Connection does not alter the query in any way, and implies that all of the fields you have used in a worksheet for it would be expected to be found in the new connection.
Closing a Data Source
To remove a Data Source and clear all of its fields from all decks, right click and select [Close].
You will receive a dialog explaining that all open worksheets using the Data Source will be cleared. Click [Yes] to continue.
If you [Close] a Data Source using an Extract, only the Data Source is removed while the Extract itself is not deleted.
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