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Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Launching from a bash terminal
Downloading the installer - The first step is to download the OS X archive package from Customer Support Portal
Unarchive the package - once the package is downloaded, double click on it to unarchive it.
If you've already installed a previous version of Aqua Data Studio, it is best to rename the old version (the package unarchives to "Aqua Data Studio.app").
Unarchive the package to the desktop..
Aqua Data Studio will automatically detect all of the settings of your previous installation, including the license information.
Aqua Data Studio can be launched by double clicking it.
Notice that there are two installations of Aqua Data Studio in the Dock in the screenshot below. This illustrates how it is possible to have a current version and an older version installed. The two cannot be run simulataneously.
The UNIX style package available at Customer Support Portal is useful for launching Aqua Data Studio from a bash terminal. Once this package is downloaded and unarchived, it can be launched from the terminal.
To launch Aqua Data Studio from the terminal, type the folowing from within the datastudio directory
$: ./datasudio-osx.sh
Note: Launching Aqua Data Studio from a bash terminal uses the default version of Java set in Applications > Utilities > Java > Java Preferences.app. Be sure to select the version of Java appropriate to the version of Aqua Data Studio you have downloaded.
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