Easily find issues by searching: #<Issue ID>
Example: #1832
Easily find members by searching in: <username>, <first name> and <last name>.
Example: Search smith, will return results smith and adamsmith
Aqua Data Studio / nhilam |
Application - Command Line
SQL scripts may be executed from the commandline without launching the Aqua Data Studio GUI. This allows scheduling the execution of scripts from an OS scheduler such as a Unix cron job or with Windows Task Scheduler. There are two files in the root install directory called "runscript.sh/bat" and "runscript-bundled.sh/bat". For more on command line use, see the Aqua Commands page.
An example of what you can do with this:
Every morning a cron job runs a script that queries for a set of data, lays out pivot or graph information, saves it to file and then emails the file to a set of people.
These are examples of how to run a script from the command line. If you type "runscript" from within the root install directory the usage will display, which follows.
Windows Usage:
runscript.bat "-cMy Connection" "-fc:\myscript.sql" "-oc:\myscript-out.txt" "-uusername" "-m100" "-htrue"
runscript.bat "-cSQL Server 2000 - 54" "-fc:\\scheduled-pivotgrid.sql"
Linux Usage:
runscript.sh "-cMy Connection" "-fc:\myscript.sql" "-oc:\myscript-out.txt" "-uusername" "-m100" "-htrue"
./runscript.sh "-cSQL Server 2000 - 54" "-f/home/currentusername/Documents/scheduled-pivotgrid.sql"
OS X Usage:
runscript.sh "-cMy Connection" "-fc:\myscript.sql" "-oc:\myscript-out.txt" "-uusername" "-m100" "-htrue"
./runscript.sh "-cSQL Server 2000 - 69" "-f/Users/currentusername/Documents/scheduled-pivotgrid.sql"
Within OS X it is possible to create an iCal alarm event which is an Apple Script. This Apple Script can contain a wrapper for a shell that runs the runscript.sh.
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